(A) When invoices are received, they shall be date stamped and delivered to the appropriate department head for review and approval. If approved, the department head shall initial the invoice, and shall indicate which line item (budgeted expense item number) this invoice is to be appropriated from. The department head shall complete a purchase order ("PO") for the expense, and return the PO along with the invoice to the Village Clerk.
(B) Upon receipt of the invoice and PO, the Village Clerk shall verify the information received (due date, dollar amount, PO and invoice information) and then include the item on the list of bills presented to the Finance Committee at its monthly meeting. If invoices are received after the Finance Committee has met for the month, then the Village Clerk shall verify the information received (due date, dollar amount, PO and invoice information) and then include the item on a separate list of bills presented to the Village Board for payment at its next monthly meeting. Bills shall be paid after they are reviewed and approved for payment by the Village Board. Upon approval by the Village Board, the Village Clerk shall pay the invoice, and attach the check stub to the PO and invoice and file it accordingly.
(C) All invoices are to be filed in a separate file folder until paid in alphabetical order with the PO attached and with the line item (budgeted expense item number) the invoice is to be appropriated from. Invoices shall be available for review by the Finance Committee and Village Board during their meetings.
(D) Any member of the Board of Trustees may inspect the bills, invoices and files for accuracy at Village Hall during regular business hours. The check stub which is filed with the PO and invoice should show the following information:
(1) Payee;
(2) Amount paid;
(3) Check number;
(4) Invoice number or order number; and
(5) Items purchased (usually from the PO submitted).
(E) The check stub information may be verified and checked against the information contained on the PO along with the merchant's invoice. In addition, from time to time the Finance Committee shall review random invoices, both paid and unpaid, and verify that all information is correct and that this procedure is being followed. In addition, past invoices may also be pulled from files to verify compliance with this procedure.
(F) Further, every month the Village Clerk shall print the account activity from each and every account in QuickBooks, and give the information to the Village Treasurer so that the Treasurer can reconcile the activity within QuickBooks with each bank statement.
(Res. 09-03, passed 4-6-2009; Ord. 16-12, passed 1-3-2017)