It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any bill posters or to post, tack up or otherwise display any bills or advertising signs, or to distribute handbills in any public park.
('86 Code, § 12.105) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person, except such as may have a permit or concession from the Council, to sell or offer for sale within any public park any cold drinks, fruits, eatables, cigars, tobacco or other merchandise.
('86 Code, § 12.106) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to carry into any public park any intoxicating liquors, to drink the same therein, or to be therein under the influence of intoxicants, or to use any profane, vulgar or indecent language, or to commit any nuisance, or to engage in any unseemly, obnoxious or disorderly conduct, or to engage in any game of chance, or in betting or wagering in any such park.
('86 Code, § 12.107) Penalty, see § 10.99
No glass containers of any kind or description shall be permitted in any of the parks, playgrounds or recreational facilities owned or operated by the town.
(Ord. 89-3, passed 3-7-89) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle to be driven in any public park at a greater rate of speed than fixed by traffic signs erected therein, nor shall any such vehicle be parked in any of the driveways without being drawn well to the right, so as not to impeded obstruct or interfere with the free passage on such driveway of other vehicles and traffic. At night, both moving and parked motor vehicles shall be provided with adequate lights, front and rear.
('86 Code, § 12.108) Penalty, see § 10.99
The town does hereby adopt the most current resolutions of the S.C. Wildlife and Marine Resources Department providing regulations for use of watercraft in Black River, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference.
(Res. 89-4, passed 5-15-89)