§ 51.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is otherwise provided shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $505 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 30 days, or both; provided, however, that no penalty shall exceed the penalty provided by state law for similar offenses. Each day any violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
('86 Code, § 1.207)
   (B)   Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate the proclamation in § 51.10 shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $250, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten days, or both; provided, however, that no person, firm or corporation shall be subject to said penalty until such offender shall have been notified of said proclamation and afforded the opportunity to refrain from any further violation. Failure on the part of any such offender to comply after notice, shall subject each offender to the penalty herein provided.
('86 Code, § 17.202.8)
   (C)   The violation of any provision of §§ 51.20 et seq. unless otherwise provided, shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
('86 Code, § 17.203.10)
(Am. Ord. 2015-01, passed 5-18-15)