1-301 Appointment
1-302 Appoint City Manager
1-303 Qualifications; requirements; compensation
1-304 Powers and duties
1-305 Acting City Manager
1-306 Creation of Departments
1-307 Same; eligibility of office
1-308 Appointment
1-309 Same; removal and vacancies
1-310 Acting City Engineer designated
1-311 City Clerk
1-312 Same; seal; oaths
1-313 Collection and record-keeping of debts
1-314 Same; other duties
1-315 City Treasurer; record-keeping and inspection
1-316 Same; duties; under “cash basis” law
1-317 Emergency medical services; duties of Director and assistants
1-318 Superintendent of Municipal Power and Light; Duties of Superintendent and assistants
1-319 Superintendent of Public Works; duties of Superintendent and assistants
1-320 City Attorney; office; duties
1-321 City Prosecutor; office; duties
1-322 Appointment or employment in more than one position
1-323 Conflict of interest
1-324 Appointment of city attorney by governing body