10.01 Title of code
10.02 Rules of interpretation
10.03 Captions
10.04 Definitions
10.05 Severability
10.06 Reference to other sections
10.07 Reference to offices
10.08 Errors and omissions
10.09 Powers to enact, amend or repeal ordinances and resolutions; generally
10.10 Ordinances repealed
10.11 Ordinances unaffected
10.12 Repeal or modification of ordinance
10.13 Ordinances which amend or supplement code
10.14 Preservation of penalties, offenses, rights and liabilities
10.15 Territorial application of code
10.16 Liability of corporations for violations
10.17 Prosecution's election when offense created by more than 1 section
10.18 Continuance of town's rights and obligations
10.19 Code does not impair vested right or valid obligations
10.20 Miscellaneous ordinances not affected by the code
10.21 Powers and authorities are cumulative; separability of parts of code
10.22 Publication and effect of code
10.23 Statute or laws of the state of South Dakota
10.99 General penalty