§ 154.080 UTILITIES.
   (A)   All utilities provided as new installations within a subdivision shall be placed in the right of way or in easements, and shall be provided underground unless an exception or exemption has been granted.
   (B)   Responsibility. For all major subdivisions, the subdivider shall make the necessary arrangements with the appropriate utility companies for the proper installation of utilities to assure that all lots have adequate gas, electrical, and communications service.
   (C)   Requirements. All underground electric distribution circuits installed by the utility company within the city shall be installed in accordance with the Safety Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Electric Supply and Communication Lines, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, and General Order No. 160, Rules for Construction of Electric Power and Communication Lines, Illinois Commerce Commission.
   (D)   Enforcement. The Health, Building and Zoning Officer shall not issue any occupancy permits until all utilities have been installed in the subdivision.
   (E)   Exceptions. The requirements for underground utilities shall not apply in the following instances:
      (1)   Principal electric distribution feeder circuits and electric transmission circuits shall not be required to be installed underground.
      (2)   Any service which is considered by the utility company to be unfeasible for undergrounding, due to high voltage or inordinately high and unjustified cost, may be provided overhead when recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council.
      (3)   When topographic or soil conditions cause the cost of undergrounding to be extremely and unjustifiably high, services may be provided overhead when recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council.
      (4)   When a subdivision is developed adjacent to or abutting an existing development in which the primary feeder lines have been installed overhead, the new subdivision may use the overhead lines with the following provisions:
         (a)   The service lines to the buildings in the new subdivision shall be installed underground.
         (b)   All additional necessary feeder lines shall be installed underground.
      (5)   When a building is constructed on a single unoccupied lot in an area which is fully developed with overhead electric and communication service, the building may use the overhead service line if it completes the development of the area.
      (6)   Utilities provided as new installations to lots for industrial purposes may be provided overhead.
   (F)   Exemptions. The following specific facilities shall be exempt from the requirements of the ordinance:
      (1)   Poles used exclusively for street lighting.
      (2)   Poles, overhead lines, and associated overhead structures, authorized by the City Council, crossing or entering any portion of a district from which overhead wires have been prohibited, and originating in an area in which overhead wires are allowed.
      (3)   Overhead lines attached to the exterior of a building by means of a bracket or similar device, and extending from one location on the building to another on the same building, or to an adjacent building without crossing any public street or right-of-way.
      (4)   Radio antenna and associated structures and equipment used for furnishing communication service.
      (5)   Service terminals and necessary pad-mounted electric equipment installed above ground, used to distribute communication and electric service in underground systems.
(Ord. 3265, passed 8-14-00)