Article I. General Provisions
91.01 Definitions
91.02 Cruelty to animals
91.03 Animals for use in entertainment
91.04 Shooting or molesting birds
91.05 Livestock and domestic fowl prohibited in city; running at large; nuisance
91.06 (Reserved)
91.07 (Reserved)
91.08 Wild animals
91.09 Nonresident not to have animals in the city; exceptions
91.10 Animal bites and attacks
91.11 Face bite procedure
91.12 Control of animal wastes
91.13 Liberation of confined animals prohibited
91.14 Dead animals
91.15 Animal trapping
91.16 Animal cages, runs, pens, etc.
91.17 Stray animals
91.18 Penalty for violation of chapter
Article II. Dogs and Cats
Division 1. In General
91.19 Rabies control
91.20 Dogs and cats running at large; impoundment
91.21 Removal of collars, tags and leashes from dogs or cats prohibited; exceptions
91.22 Excessive barking, howling or yelping
91.23 Taking up and treating injured dogs and cats
91.24 Female dogs or cats in heat
91.25 License required: dogs and cats
91.26 Use or possession of dogs in conjunction with criminal activity
Division 2. Dangerous and Vicious Dogs
91.27 Keeping of vicious dogs
91.28 Keeping of dangerous dogs
91.29 Impoundment and disposition of dangerous animals
Article III. Impoundment
91.30 Grounds for impoundment
91.31 Notice of impoundment to owner or keeper
91.32 Redemption; fees
Article IV. Kennels and Pet Shops
91.33 License required
91.34 License application
91.35 License fee
91.36 Investigation of premises
91.37 Posting license on premises
91.38 Information on dogs and cats for sale
91.39 Sale or gift of reptiles and other animals
91.40 Enforcement
91.41 License suspension/revocation
91.42 Penalty
91.43 This article declared supplemental to state law
Article V. Enforcement
91.44 In general
91.45 Impoundment of animals; records
91.46 Hindering community service officer duties
91.47 Dogs prohibited in public areas on certain days
Article VI. Bee Keeping
91.50 Special use permit required
91.51 Location, construction and maintenance of apiaries
91.52 Violations prohibited