(A)   The keeping by any person of bee colonies in the city not in compliance with this subchapter is prohibited. Any bee colony not residing in a hive structure intended for beekeeping, or any swarm of bees, or any colony residing in a standard or homemade hive which, by virtue of its condition, has obviously been abandoned by the beekeeper, is unlawful.
   (B)   Any person not in strict compliance with this subchapter, Bee Keeping, shall be fined not less than $100 plus court costs and not more than $750 plus court costs for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each and every day such violation continues. Additionally, any city beekeeping special use permit may be revoked and no new beekeeping special use permit shall be issued to that person, or to any person living on the property where the apiary from which the violation(s) arose was located, for a minimum of one year.
(Ord. 4013, passed 7-27-20)