All persons are strictly prohibited from turning on the water into any service pipe from the curb valve or when a meter is not in place, except by permission of the Water Superintendent. No person shall in any way obstruct the access to any hydrant or water valve connected with any water pipe in the city by means of lumber, brick building material or other articles, thing or hindrance whatsoever. No person, except the Water Superintendent or Fire Chief, shall take water from any fire hydrant or other public water connection, except for fire purposes or for the use of the Fire Department in case of fire, or in any way take or use water for private use which is furnished by the waterworks, except from a public fountain, unless such person shall receive permission from the Water Superintendent. Private fire hydrants shall not be used for any other purpose than the extinguishing of fires. No person shall deface, mark or in any way injure or meddle with fire hydrants, valves or other appurtenances of the city water system or attempt to operate them without authority. No person, without authority, shall hitch or attach any hose, animal or any other object to a fire hydrant.
(Ord. 2953, passed 1-10-95)