   All street grades heretofore fixed and which may hereafter be fixed shall be placed on file with the Director of Service. (1925 Code §24)
   Council hereby adopts the new design for an official flag for the City of Kent, Ohio, and is more fully described below:
   (a)   A burgee-shaped flag pays homage to the State of Ohio flag and reflects Kent's or oiginal flag.
   (b)   Blue signifies determination, liberation, alertness and good fortune. It also symbolizes the Cuyahoga River and canals, which were a central piece of Kent's past and a point of charm and appeal in modern times.
   (c)   Green is a symbol of agricultural influence, prosperity, fertility, youthfulness and hope. It also serves to symbolize Kent's status as the Tree City.
   (d)   White, the symbol of peace and harmony, reflects Kent's history of seeking peace and harmony locally and globally.
   (e)   The simple modern design is meant to suggest Kent's goal of civic progress and the city's forward-looking,spirit.
   (f)   The converging stripes form an eight-pointed star that symbolizes the North Star, which was used on quilts that guided slaves escaping captivity. It also symbolizes Kent's history of inclusion, diversity and forward thinking.
   (g)   The green vertical center stripe and intersecting blue diagonal stripes form the letter "K." All the stripes point to the central star, forming arrows that are meant to point to the future.
   (h)   The four stripes, both green and blue, are meant to recall Kent's history, from presettlement, settlement and canal era, railroad era, and university founding. They are also meant to celebrate Kent's intersection of cultures that come together to form a cohesive yet diverse community.
      (Ord. 2023-037. Passed 6-21-23.)
   A logo is hereby adopted to provide a uniform symbol for identification of motor vehicles, stationery and various items of property belonging to the City. Such logo shall be of the design and description as follows:
   (a)   The basic design of the logo shall be that of a tree maintaining the established identification of Kent as the Tree City.
   (b)   The logo will use the City colors of green and white.
   (c)   The rhythmic movement of the upper part of the tree shall symbolize the flowing of the Cuyahoga River.
   (d)   The breakdown of the entire design of the logo into three parts shall characterize the departments of Safety, Service and Administration.
      (Res. 1977-172. Passed 9-21-77.)