Ord. No.   Date   Description
702   8-6-35   Normal Ave. to University Dr.
723   11-23-36   Stow St. from W. & L.E. R.R. to W. Main St.
787   6-6-38   Crain Ave. from E. Main St. to University Dr.
796   8-15-38   Stinaff St. from Hudson Rd. to N. Mantua St.
802   9-6-38   S. Chestnut St. from W. Main St. to Stow St.
803   9-6-38   Linden Rd. from E. Main St. to Crain Ave.
804   9-6-38   E. Williams St. from S. Water St. to Vine St.
808   9-12-38   E. Elm St. from S. Water St. to Vine St.
818   10-3-38   Highland Ave. from Columbus St. to Crain Ave.
820   10-3-38   Harris St. from Cedar St. to Franklin Ave.
847   2-27-39   S. Lincoln St. between E. Summit St. and High St.
852   3-22-39   All streets within University Heights Allotment.
856   3-22-39   W. Williams St.
874   7-24-39   Sidewalk 12.50 feet west of center line of Wilson Ave. between E. Main St. and Crain Ave.
875   7-24-39   Sidewalk on Needham Ave. between corporation line and N. Mantua St.
879   7-24-39   E. School St. between S. Water St. and Vine St.
906   9-18-39   Meredith St. between Longmere Dr. and Roosevelt Ave.
955   6-17-40   Crain Ave. between N. Depeyster St. and E. Main St.
995   2-17-41   Parts of Rellim Dr. and Vine St.
1075   7-20-42   Meredith St. from Longmere Dr. to Akron-Kent Blvd.
1090   12-7-42   N. River St. from W. Main St. to N. Mantua St. to Gougler Ave.
1161   9-10-45   Street and sidewalk on Tallmadge Ave. from Stow St. to Middlebury Rd.
1215   12-2-46   Kent City Park to Fred Fuller Park.
1233   4-7-47   Hudson Rd. from Fairchild Ave. to City limits.
1302   5-3-48   E. School St. between S. Water St. and Vine St.
1311   6-7-48   Sidewalk on W. Summit St. from Franklin Ave. to S. Water St.
1360   1-10-49   Courtland Ave. to Temple Ave.
1389   7-11-49   Street and sidewalk on part of Roosevelt Ave.
1390   7-11-49   Miller Ave. from Crain Ave. northward.
1413   9-12-49   Center line street grade on Leonard Blvd. from Longmere Dr. to west corporation limits.
1951-26   7-2-51   Vine St. from E. School St. to High St.
1951-29   8-6-51   Rellim Dr. from Vine St. to Morris Rd.   
1953-84   12-7-53   Sidewalk of east side of Longmere Dr. from Gardenview to Middlebury Rds.
1954-82   10-4-54   Middlebury Rd.
1956-71   10-1-56   Vine St.
1957-8   1-7-57   Gardenview St.
1957-13   2-11-57   Akron-Kent Blvd. to Akron Blvd., N. Lincoln St. to Edgewood Dr.
1960-62   7-27-60   University Dr. to Woodside Dr., Roberts St. to Delores Ave., Crain Ave. to Luther Ave. Morris Rd.
1960-79   9-7-60   Yvonne Dr. to Yacavona Dr.
1961-89   9-20-61   Sidewalk on E. Main St.
1061-102   11-22-61   Street and sidewalk grades on Elno Ave. from Munroe Falls Rd. to Longmere Dr.
1962-132   11-21-62   Sidewalk grade on E. Main St. from North Depeyster St. to North Willow St.
1963-90   9-18-63   Sidewalk grade on south side of E. Day St. between S. Water and S. Depeyster Sts.
1966-33   3-7-66   Portion of Akron-Kent Blvd., from Bryce Rd. to Loncoy Ave. to Major’s Lane.
1965-44   4-12-65   Sidewalk grade on west side of South Water St. from Summit St. to Williams St.
1967-31   2-22-67   Main St. to Begala Ave. for one week (March 20-27, 1967).
1967-153   9-20-67   Sydney Dr. to Spaulding Dr.
1971-33   3-1-71   Akron Blvd. between Fairchild Ave. and Martin Ave. changed to Majors Lane.
1977-12   1-19-77   Relocated State Rte. 59 from S. Willow St. to Langmere Dr. to become known as Haymaker Parkway.
1985-20   5-1-85   Juniper Dr. to Burr Oak Dr.
2007-108   11-14-07   Rename Admore Drive to Stonewater Drive.
2011-100   10-19-11   Rename Alley #4 to Burbick Way.