Ord. No. Date Description
Unno. 11-1-1881 Purchase of land to extend Prospect St.
Unno. 10-18-1892 Sale of 5 acres of land to E.D. Dithridge.
Unno. 10-24-03 Sale of land off Wheeling and Lake Erie R.R. right of way and Mogadore Rd.
Unno. 4-26-04 Authorizes sale of Lot #11.
54 6-4-17 Appropriation for extension of Mill St. from Willow St. to Lincoln Ave.
55 6-18-17 Appropriation for extension of Mill St. from Willow St. to Lincoln Ave.
139 6-4-17 Appropriation for extension of Mill St. from Willow St. to Lincoln Ave.
352 7-18-23 Authorizes sale of property used for Jail and Council meetings.
395 3-2-25 Reauthorizes sale of property used for Jail and Council meetings.
727 3-1-37 Purchase of 16 acres in Lot 8 of Franklin Twp. from L.M. Swarty.
732 5-3-37 Purchase of 10-ft. front on N. Mantua St. at foot of Cuyahoga St. for sewer purposes.
924 12-22-39 Purchase of land on Fairchild Ave. for water storage tank from N.P. Kelso.
991 2-7-41 Authorizes sale of 6-room frame dwelling, 1120 Mogadore Rd.
1154 7-9-45 Authorizes purchase of land for park purposes.
1176 3-18-46 Sale of land in Twp. Lot 11.
1232 3-31-47 Quit-claim deed for land to Erie R.R. Co. in exchange for another land, as part of Mogadore Rd.
1316 7-12-48 Authorizes sale of lot on W. Day St., old City Jail.
1382 5-9-49 Purchase of lot on southwest corner of Mantua and Rockwell Sts. for fire station.
1416 10-4-49 Warranty deed for land at southwest corner of N. Mantua and Rockwell Sts.
1951-28 8-6-51 Authorizes purchase of land for playground at Gardenview Dr. and Roosevelt St.
1953-68 9-9-53 Purchase of land for sanitary sewers from E. Clark, Davey Tree Expert Co., A. and H. Semler.
1960-93 11-9-60 Purchase of property of J. and M. Puishis for water supply.
1963-127 11-26-63 Accepting a triangular tract of 0.016 acre from C.M. and G. Jacobs.
1966-111 8-24-66 Authorizes purchase of property from Alliance Homes, Inc., for taxes.
1967-47 3-10-67 Sale of portion of vacated Cherry St. and part of Lots 189, 190, 191, 192 and 193 in Ainsworth Addition.
1968-34 3-20-68 Authorizes negotiation with H.L. Milliken to acquire land and a right of way necessary to improve Janet Court.
1969-49 4-7-69 Authorizes negotiation for acquisition of lands to construct a water pretreatment plant.
1969-120 11-3-69 Authorizes contract with State for purchase of land contiguous to State Hwy. 59.
1970-2 2-18-70 Authorizes sale of Breakneck Cemetery.
1971-22 2-1-71 Authorizes purchase of residues of parcels contiguous to State Hwy. Portage Project 59 Section 0.80 for recreational facilities.
1971-88 7-14-71 Authorizes purchase of approx. 63 acres of Sonoco Products Co. in Franklin Twp. Lots 8, 9, 10.
1972-20 2-7-72 Authorizes sale of 3.763 acres to State for improvement of State Route 261.
1972-65 5-17-72 Authorizes purchase of 32.766 acres of Frank Schlarb property and 8.69 acres of Glen and Mabel Plum for site for water treatment plant.
1972-114 9-20-72 Authorizes sale of 2 parcels to State for improvement of State Route 59.
1972-137 11-15-72 Authorizes purchase of 11.481 acres in Franklin Twp. Lots 8 and 9 from B.& O.R.R.
1973-23 2-24-73 Authorizes purchase of 0.789 acres on Akron Blvd.
1973-24 2-24-73 Authorizes Park Board to purchase property from Ralph and Ethel Hart on Middlebury Rd. abutting Fred Fuller Park.
1973-114 9-5-73 Authorizes purchase of 0.172 acres on Lincoln St. from Roy and Hulda Miller.
1974-90 8-5-74 Authorizes purchase of 4 parcels on Longcoy St.
1974-102 6-19-74 Authorizes exchange of certain parcels with State for State Highway Project 59.
1974-161 12-4-74 Authorizes purchase of International Powder Metal Corp. land and buildings at 316-320 South Water St.
1975-17 1-15-75 Authorizes purchase of International Powder Metal Corp. land and buildings at 316-320 South Water St. Repeals 1975-11, 1975-855- 21-75. Authorizes acquisition of land for a storage tank stand pipe for the water treatment-distribution improvement project.
1975-122 8-13-75 Authorizes Park and Recreation Board to purchase 21 acres.
1975-164 10-22-75 Authorizes purchase of Ruby Spates land on West Day St.
1976-128 7-21-76 Purchase of property at 6657 Cleveland-Canton Road.
1978-50 4-12-78 Authorizes purchase of 1.6 acres being part of Franklin Twp. Lot 25 for Park and Recreation Bd.
1978-140 9-20-78 Authorizes purchase of approximately 30.64 acres from Parkland, Inc. for expansion of filtration plant.
1978-172 11-1-78 Amending Ord. 1978-126 & authorizing purchase of 7.5458 acres from Horace & Jane Flower.
1979-123 6-20-79 Authorizes City Manager to sell “Tract 1", known as being part of Lots 16 & 17 in Block “C” in H.A. & M. Kent’s 2nd addition; also part of subdivision 35 of Twp. Lot 25; and “Tract II” part of subdivision 36 & 37 in Twp. Lot 25.
1981-99 8-12-81 Appropriation of 11.33 acres on Mogadore Rd. in Brimfield Twp. part of Lot 2.
1981-147 11-4-81 Authorizes sale of 12.3670 acres to Land O’Lakes, Inc.
1982-90 8-4-82 Authorizes sale of property on Needham Ave.
1983-24 3-16-83 Authorizes acquisition of land from Kent State University for City utility and transportation networks.
1983-25 3-24-83 Authorizes purchase of 7.465 acres for expansion of wastewater treatment facilities.
1983-154 12-21-83 Authorizes purchase option agreement to Downtown Community Urban Redevelopment Corp. for purchase of property on South Water St.
1984-58 6-13-84 Authorizes sale of City property adjacent to Robertson property near Grant St. to Vernon and Betty Wynns.
1984-99 12-5-84 Authorizes purchase of 600 Plum St.
1985-85 11-6-85 Authorizes purchase of approx. 127.05 acres on Powdermill Rd. in Pavenna and Franklin Twps.
1986-40 6-11-86 Authorizes donation of 1.7440 acres on north side of Anita Dr. owned by the Federal Deposit Insurance Co.
1986-64 8-13-86 Authorizes acceptance of 0.1424 acres at the intersection of Franklin Ave. and Main St. for park purposes.
1986-75 10-1-86 Authorizes purchase of land at the intersection of Haymaker Parkway and S.R. 43 owned by Ralph Cupelli.
1986-76 10-1-86 Authorizes purchase of 1.398 acres adjacent to Yacavona Park.
1986-107 12-17-86 Authorizes sale of land at the intersection of Haymaker Parkway and S.R. 43.
1986-108 12-17-86 Authorizes acceptance of 2 land parcels (.06 acres and .70 acres) along Middlebury Rd. owned by Mabelle Apley and Dorothy Wann.
1986-109 12-17-86 Authorizes acceptance of 1.78 acres at 973 Middlebury Rd. owned by Lawrence R. Graff.
1986-110 12-17-86 Accepts donation of land (“Block A”) from Jonas Barenholtz within Portage Homesites Subdivision.
1987-27 5-6-87 Authorizes purchase of 4.70 acres in Franklin Twp.
1987-88 11-18-87 Authorizes purchase of a residential lot at 493 Laurel Dr.
1988-24 4-6-88 Authorizes purchase of 5.8 acres on Horning Rd. in Franklin Twp.
1988-35 4-20-88 Authorizes appropriation of 62.49 acres in Twp. Lot Franklin Twp.
1988-94 8-10-88 Authorizes appropriation of a 30 ft. wide strip, part of Sublot No. 7.
1988-122 11-2-88 Authorizes appropriation for the estate in fee simple of Block “B” in the Diedrick Place Allotment.
1989-46 8-28-89 Authorizes purchase of 42.04 acres adjoining the Powdermill Road Well Field, Ravenna Twp.
1989-50 9-6-89 Authorizes sale of land west of Mason Ave. (Lots 12 and 13, Kent Rubber City Addition).
1990-21 4-18-90 Authorizes acceptance of transfer of lands within the Franklin Twp. Sanitary Sewer District No. 3.
1990-42 7-11-90 Authorizes sales agreement to purchase 15 acres owned by J.R. Jarrett et al. in Franklin Twp. (Lot 34).
1990-98 12-5-90 Authorizes purchase of 10.68 acres east of Rhodes Rd. and abutting Willow Ridge Subdivision, Franklin Twp.
1991-11 3-6-91 Authorizes sales agreement to purchase Lots 10, 27, 104 and 105 (.59 acres) owned by Will and Ray Construction Co. on northwest corner of Overbrook and Brentwood.
1991-85 12-4-91 Accepts donation of 6.77 acres in Sublot 27, Franklin Twp. from R.E. and B.W. Donofrio.
1992-07 2-5-92 Authorizes purchase of land at 611 Plum St. from B.R. and M.L. Horne.
1992-28 5-6-92 Authorizes purchase of land parcels on Depeyster and Summit Sts. owned by E.D. Ferrara.
1993-62 8-18-93 Authorizes purchase of land at 705 Stinaff St. Ext. owned by E.S. and J.R. Tryon.
1993-63 8-18-93 Authorizes exchange of land at 705 Stinaff St. Ext. for land owned by Anne Wearly, which is located at 310 S. Depeyster St.
1994-03 1-26-94 Authorizes purchase of land at 581 Plum Street.
1994-62 7-13-94 Authorizes purchase of 1.76 acres of vacant commercial land on north side of S.R. 59 in Franklin Twp.
1994-92 9-21-94 Authorizes appropriation of property to allow for off-street public parking.
1994-109 10-19-94 Authorizes purchase of land at 519 & 525 N. Mantua Street.
1994-126 12-7-94 Authorizes appropriation of property to allow for public roadway reconstruction on Lake Street.
1995-13 1-18-95 Authorizes purchase of property on north side of S.R. 59 in Franklin Township.
1995-35 5-3-95 Authorizes accepting 1.8006 acre parcel from Falls Savings Bank FSB, located east of the Falls Savings Bank parking lot on South Water Street.
1995-41 5-17-95 Authorizes sale of the Recycling Center property located at 918 Marvin Street to Smithers-Oasis U.S.A. for $75,000.
1995-59 8-9-95 Authorizes judgment entry in Common Pleas Court for the purchase of property located at 301 W. Main Street.
1995-86 9-27-95 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of .306 acres of property located at 412-414 Gougler Avenue.
1995-87 9-27-95 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of .12 acres of property located at 238 Gougler Avenue.
1995-88 9-27-95 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of .504 acres of property located at 335-337 Gougler Avenue.
1996-10 1-17-96 Authorizes transfer of approximately twenty-eight (28) acres of land within Forest Lakes Subdivision to be transferred to City for parks and recreation purposes.
1996-20 2-28-96 Authorizes purchase of 420 Rockwell Street.
1996-23 4-3-96 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of property located at 401-403 N. Mantua Street.
1996-28 4-24-96 Authorizes purchase of 930 Overholt Road.
1996-41 6-12-96 Authorizes purchase of 0.1937 acres located at 1277 West Main Street.
1996-47 7-10-96 Authorizes purchase of Sublot 96 and a portion of Sublot 97 on Graham Ave.
1996-64 9-18-96 Authorizes purchase of 13.15 acres of land located at 635 Majors Lane.
1996-75 10-30-96 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of property located at 300 Rockwell Avenue.
1996-76 11-6-96 Authorizes purchased by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of property located at 110 Gougler Avenue.
1996-82 12-11-96 Authorizes purchase of 408 N. Mantua Street.
1997-30 5-21-97 Authorizes purchase of 551 Plum Street.
1997-43 6-23-97 Authorizes donation of 10.48 acres of land from Kurt Allen Liske, Anne Louise Liske and Karl Ralph Liske, subject to Conservation Easement.
1997-51 7-9-97 Authorizes purchase of 311 N. Mantua Street.
1997-70 10-15-97 Authorizes sale of 3.4757 acres of land to Al Klaben Sr.
1997-89 12-17-94 Authorizes purchase of a five-foot strip on Sheri Drive and a five foot strip on Colleen Drive.
1998-16 2-18-98 Authorizes sale of 1393 Mogadore Road (old water plant) to John J. and Charlene G. Steinert.
1998-99 12-16-99 Authorizes sale of waterlines and easements to City of Tallmadge.
1999-34 3-3-99 Authorizes to accept a donation of approximately twenty (20) acres of land from the University Woods Development Company.
1999-44 3-17-99 Authorizes sale of two (2) parcels of land to the Greystone Group.
1999-52 4-21-99 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of property located at 315 N. Mantua Street.
1999-71 6-9-99 Authorizes transfer of 1.45 acre parcel of land to Kent Growth Corporation in Brimfield Township.
1999-80 7-14-99 Authorizes purchase of 134 Columbus Street for parking.
1999-119 10-20-99 Authorizes acceptance of donation of .0639 acre parcel from Howard G. Hall for one dollar ($1.00) for parks and recreation purposes.
1999-122 10-20-99 Authorizes transfer of two parcels between the City of Kent and the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC).
1999-138 12-1-99 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) of property located at 333 Gougler Ave.
2000-05 1-5-00 Dedication of a 28.1777 acre from Forest Lakes Dev. Co., Ltd. for parks and recreation purposes.
2000-35 5-17-00 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) for property located at 329 N. Mantua Street.
2000-36 5-17-00 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) for property located at 305 N. Mantua Street.
2000-63 7-12-00 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) for property located at 431 Gougler Avenue.
2000-64 7-12-00 Authorizes purchase by the Kent Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) for property located at 321 N. Mantua Street.
2000-101 11-15-00 Appropriation by eminent domain fee simple title to property owned by Norm and Betty Jennings for the purpose of upgrading, improving and increasing the size of the current site of the Fire Department.
2001-43 5-2-01 Authorizes sale of Parcel C, Block D of Anita Drive and Lawrence Drive Dedication Plat to Family and Community Services of Portage County, Inc.
2001-46 5-16-01 Authorizes purchase from Norm and Betty Jennings located at 306 South Depeyster Street.
2001-56 6-13-01 Authorizes transfer of Block A of King Lane Industrial Park from Richard King to the City.
2001-82 9-19-01 Authorizes the purchase of 0.154 acres from David E. Dix to carry out the City’s Downtown Urban Renewal Plan for the central downtown area.
2001-85 9-19-01 Authorizes the purchase of 0.083 Acres from GCJ Enterprises to carry out the City’s Downtown Urban Renewal Plan for the central downtown area.
2001-97 10-17-01 Authorizes the purchase of .41891 acres from Anthony and Jessica Mosca.
2001-98 10-17-01 Authorizes the purchase of SL#1 of the Brookside Farms Estates from John Eastman.
2001-113 12-5-01 Approves the sale of real property known as the Kemp Building at 110 Gougler Avenue, Kent, Ohio, from the Kent Downtown Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) to Builders Diversified, Inc.
2001-114 12-5-01 Authorizes the sale of 8.8234 acres to Albert O. Klaben, Sr.
2002-36 3-6-02 Authorizes the sale of a six-foot strip adjacent to 426 Rockwell Dr. to Lee Goske.
2002-37 3-20-02 Authorizes the sales agreement to Albert O. Klaben, R. (2001-114) to allow for a conservation easement and reduce sales price.
2002-44 3-20-02 Authorizes the purchase of .4683 acres from Edward Kordinak for the South Central Sanitary Sewer Project.
2002-91 9-18-02 Authorize the exchange of land between the City of Kent and Peter Lepp.
2002-112 11-6-02 Authorizes the purchase of 10.016 acres of land from Andrew and Maime Wright.
2002-113 11-6-02 Authorizes the sale of 3.57 acres to Podnar Plastics.
2002-114 11-6-02 Authorizes the transfer/exchange between Bernie Noble, 3.57 acres on Mogadore Road and the City of Kent, 10.016 acres in Brimfield Township.
2003-36 2-5-03 Authorizes the purchase of an option to purchase 123 E. College St. from Shirley Graham.
2003-49 3-19-03 Authorizes purchase of 7.6692 acres from Jerry L. Paulat and an access easement.
2003-50 3-19-03 Authorizes the purchase of 0.086 acres from the City Bank Investment Company to carry out the City’s Urban Renewal Plan for downtown Kent.
2003-60 4-16-03 Authorizes the purchase of University Woods Block A and access parcel to Block A from University Woods Development Co., Inc.
2003-61 4-16-03 Authorizes the purchase of Willow Ridge Lot 8 from John Carl, Inc., and Prairie Development Group.
2003-114 8-13-03 Authorizes the purchase of Block “B” of Commerce Industrial Park from the Kent Growth Corp.
2003-115 8-13-03 Authorizes the sale of land and a waterline to the City of Tallmadge.
2003-122 8-13-03 Authorizes the purchase of .0079 acres from BEF REIT, Inc.
2003-125 8-13-03 Authorizes the purchase of .1638 acres from Jean Lucia, William Miles and Norma Miles.
2003-126 8-13-03 Authorizes the purchase of 127 E. College St. from Zimena Marion.
2003-136 10-1-03 Authorizes the purchase by DKC for 300 Gougler Avenue.
2003-167 11-19-03 Authorizes the purchase of 0.1927 acres from Gary Sheptock, Cathy Sheptock, Mark Alan Sheptock, and Lynn Dawn Wiseman Sheptok.
2003-191 12-17-03 Authorizes the sale of 238, 330, 414 Gougler; 311, 315, 401, 403 and 405 N. Mantua to J. Epling, Douglas G. Fuller dba Brady’s Leap Condominiums, LLC.
2004-01 1-7-04 Authorizes the purchase of 0.62 acres from Akron Barberton Cluster Railway.
2004-16 2-4-04 Authorizes the sale of 1.2460 acres to Antonio J. Lorenzo, Trustee of Antonio J. Lorenzo Living Trust.
2004-25 2-18-04 Directs the appropriation of real property for public roadway construction located on the east side of State Route 43, south of State Route 261 and north of Meloy Road.
2004-26 2-18-04 Directs the appropriation of real property for public roadway construction located on the west side of State Route 43 south of State Route 261 and north of Meloy Road.
2004-32 3-3-03 Authorizes the purchase of 0.1326 acres from Robert W. Berger.
2004-60 4-21-04 Authorizes the purchase of 0.62 acres from Akron Barberton Cluster Railway.
2004-74 5-26-04 Amends 2003-191 to extend the deadline to June 30, 2004.
2004-98 7-14-04 Authorizes the purchase of 0.1337 acres from Garth M. and Ann L. Diltz for $1.00 (Glad Blvd. Improvement Project).
2004-104 8-11-04 Authorizes the sale of 9781.8 square feet of land to Don Joseph, Inc.
2004-150 11-3-04 Authorizes the purchase of a parcel of land from Donald E. and Barbara J. Bentley for $700.00.
2005-33 4-6-05 Approves the purchase of real property for public roadway construction location on the west side of State Route 43, south of State Route 261 and north of Meloy Road.
2005-77 7-20-05 Authorizes the purchase of 1.639 acres from Kent Board of Education.
2005-106 9-7-05 Authorizes the purchase of 565 Vine Street from James F. Hauch, Marie E. Hauch and James V. Hauch for $136,469.24.
2005-145 12-14-05 Accepts donation of approximately 5 acres of land from R.P. Flynn, Ltd.
2005-147 12-14-05 Authorizes the purchase of 801-803 Fairchild Ave. from Charles and Carolyn Sprankle for $172,000.
2006-42 4-19-06 Authorizes the exchange of a parcel of real property owned by the City and Mr. Tompkins and to accept a permanent easement for the proposed Portage Hike and Bike Trail.
2006-93 7-12-06 Authorizes the purchase of a permanent right-of-way and temporary drive access from Albert H. Acken, Jr. for $5500.00.
2006-99 8-23-06 Sale of 4.0019 acres to Charles and Rose Palmer for $52,024.70 in Franklin Township.
2006-106 9-20-06 Sale of 565 Vine Street to Randall A. Morrow for $115,000.
2006-117 10-4-06 Swap of .0723 acre parcel for a stormwater drainage easement from Robert D. and Monica E. Morson.
2006-120 10-18-06 Sale of 4.2093 acre parcel to Douglas H. and Marie H. Beavers for $54,720.90.
2006-121 10-18-06 Sale of 6.0659 acre parcel to Douglas H. and Marie H. Beavers for $78,856.70.
2006-122 10-18-06 Sale of 4.0058 acre parcel to Kelly and Richard Gonos for $52,075.40.
2006-129 11-15-06 Authorizes the sale of 1,2460 acres to Antonio J. Lorenzo, Trustee of Antonio J. Lorenzo Living Trust.
2007-52 6-20-07 Sale, 2.2203 acre parcel to G. Berardinelli for $50,000.00.
2007-73 8-15-07 Purchase, 225 S. Water St. for $365,000.00.
2007-82 9-19-07 Directs the appropriation of a fee simple interest in real property known as 129, 131 and 133 College Ave. in connection with activities necessary for the elimination and prevention of the recurrence of conditions of blight and deterioration.
2007-91 9-19-07 Exchange of property with Robert D. and Monica E. Morson; .0280 acre exchanged for Hike and Bike easement.
2007-103 10-24-07 Purchase, 11.88 acres from Crooked Rivr for Hike & Bike Trail.
2008-18 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Ramsey.
2008-19 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Shaw.
2008-20 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Shaw.
2008-21 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way Surgeon.
2008-22 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Hopkins.
2008-23 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Lacy.
2008-24 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Longenberger.
2008-25 1-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Lacy.
2008-30 2-20-08 Purchase, Moyseenko.
2008-31 2-20-08 Purchase, right-of-way, RRMJ properties.
2008-32 2-20-08 Purchase, rigth-of-way, Atkinson.
2008-33 2-20-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Lowenthal.
2008-34 2-20-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Lowenthal.
2008-35 2-20-08 Amend 2008-21, purchase of right-of-way, Surgeon.
2008-36 2-20-08 Amend 2008-22, purchase of right-of-way, Hopkins.
2008-37 2-20-08 Amend 2008-23, purchase of right-of-way, Lacy.
2008-38 2-20-08 Amend 2008-25, purchase of right-of-way Lacy.
2008-39 2-20-08 Amend 2008-24, purchase of right-of-way, Longerberger.
2008-40 2-20-08 Amend 2008-19, purchase of right-of-way, Shaw.
2008-41 2-20-08 Amend 2008-18, purchase of right-of-way, Ramsey.
2008-42 2-20-08 Amend 2008-20, purchase of right-of-way, Shaw.
2008-43 2-27-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Akron Metro Railway.
2008-44 2-27-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Tompkins.
2008-45 2-27-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Carter-Jones Lumber.
2008-58 4-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Thomas.
2008-59 4-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Collinwood Shale.
2008-60 4-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Horning.
2008-61 4-16-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Collinwood Shale.
2008-80 5-21-08 Purchase, right-of-way, DKC.
2008-81 5-21-08 Purchase, right-of-way, DKC.
2008-82 5-21-08 Purchase, Frankhouse, 501 Gougler Ave., $201.000.00.
2008-83 5-21-08 Purchase, Cali, 707 N. Mantua St., $284,570.00.
2008-89 5-21-08 Purchase of 205 S. Water and 126 Erie St., Ricciardi, $827,000.00.
2008-95 6-18-08 Purchase, 425 Fairchild Ave., Miller, $805.00.
2008-125 08-20-08 Purchase, 617 N. Mantua St., Maydak, $5500.00.
2008-148 09-17-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Hershiser, 421 N. Water Street,
2008-149 09-17-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Gabriel, 518 North Water Street
2008-150 09-17-08 Purchase, right-of-way, Hershiser, 425 Gougler Ave
2008-180 10-17-08 Amend 2008-150, purchase, right-of-way, Hershiser, 425 Gougler Ave.
2008-181 10-17-08 Amend 2008-148, purchase, right-of-way, Hershiser, 421 N. Water St.
2008-214 11-19-08 Purchase, 100 Crain Ave., Mayfields, $163,900
2008-215 11-19-08 Purchase, 607-609 N. Mantua Street, Mayfield, $330,000.
2008-217 11-19-08 Purchase an interest in 252 square feet of real property from Larry R. Wright and Mary B. Wright, 418 North Water Street.
2009-116 10-21-09 Purchase, 0.006 Ac, Ashland Inc., $6786.00, SR 59 signalization project
2009-124 11-18-09 Purchase, 0.003 Ac, Lincoln & Main, LLC, 503 E. Main St., $2700.00
2009-125 11-18-09 Purchase, 275 Sq. Ft., Christine Coven, 515 E. Main St., $450.00
2009-126 11-18-09 Purchase, 0.005 Ac., Revco, LLC, 500 S. Water St., $3400.00
2010-27 03-17-10 Purchase, 241 S. Water and vacant lot by DKC, $369,133.25
2010-45 05-19-10 Purchase, property exchange with KSU for downtown redevelopment
2010-49 06-16-10 Purchase, 527 Fairchild Ave., $19,800
2010-82 08-18-10 Transfer from Downtown Kent Corporation (225 S. Water Street)
2010-83 08-18-10 Transfer from Downtown Kent Corporation (300 Rockwell Street)
2010-84 08-18-10 Transfer from Downtown Kent Corporation (241 S. Water St., parking lot)
2011-10 01-19-11 Land acquisition, .116 acres, from KSU Foundation, $81,120.00
2011-21 04-20-11 Transfer to Family & Community Services (527 Fairchild Ave.)
2011-30 04-20-11 Purchase, Lake Street (Ametek), $106,000
2011-33 04-20-11 Land acquisition, 5.1928 acres from ODOT
2011-51 07-06-11 Land Acquisition, 17.7 acres from Thomas & Betts Corporation, 800 Mogadore Road, Kent, Ohio
2011-71 08-17-11 Property exchange w/KSU for downtown redevelopment; City to transfer five (5) parcels (26,649 sq. ft) and KSU to transfer permanent parcel number 17-024-10-00-022-002
2011-105 10-25-11 Purchase, “Old Kent Hotel”, 176 E. Main Street, from Kent Hotel, LLC and/or Vilco, LLC for $735,000
2011-108 11-16-11 Amend purchase agreement (2011-51) of 800 Mogadore Rd.
2011-118 11-16-11 Sale of “Old Kent Hotel”, 176 E. Main Street to Genghis Properties for $400,000
2012-16 01-18-12 Amend purchase agreement (2011-30) of 627 Lake Street (Ametek)
2012-30 03-28-12 DKC to purchase 303-313 E. Main Street, $1,070,000
2012-31 03-28-12 Transfer of 303-313 E. Main Street from DKC to City
2012-32 03-28-12 Property exchange w/Portage County
2012-43 4-18-12 Amends purchase agreement (2001-43) with Family and Community Services of Portage County, Inc.
2012-49 04-18-12 Transfer of 350 Harris Street to Family & Community Services
2012-62 6-20-12 Purchase agreement 0.0126 acres of real property from BDG LLC. for property located on Erie Street, between Water Street and Depeyster Street for purpose of construction of Erie Street, as part of the Downtown Street Reconstruction Project.
2012-88 08-15-12 Land acquisition, 10.0020 ac. from Todd and Carrie Gavriloff, up to $45,000
2012-97 09-18-12 Sales, 1277 W. Main Street (0.1937 acres) to Robert Milan, $1000.
2012-126 12-19-12 Authorizing the transfer of a parcel of land known as 311 North Mantua Street, Kent, Ohio from the Downtown Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) to the City of Kent.
2013-52 6-19-13 Authorizes agreement between Caven S. McLoughlin and CHO- OYU, Ltd., LLC and the City to purchase 509 Franklin Avenue.
2013-99 9-18-13 Authorizes sale of 14.026 acres known as 627 Lake St. (Parcel 17- 031-21-00-081-000), City-owned, to Smithers-Oasis Co.
2014-37 6-4-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to receive a donation from Darcy D. Folzenlogen, Kristina D. Frost, Timothy V. Dix, Robert C. Dix, Jr. and David E. Dix of 2.9448 acres of land with an estimated value at $75,000.00 for park use with limited restrictions to the property.
2014-41 6-4-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Merle W. Kuhns, Jr., and the City of Kent to purchase a small strip of land containing a road right-of-way and a small piece of land between Middlebury Road and the boat ramp located just east of the Middlebury Road Bridge which crosses the Cuyahoga River containing approximately 0.4651 acres of land in exchange for forgiveness of past sewer bills.
2014-70 7-16-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Michael J. & Melissa K. Hartman and the City, to purchase 0.1446 acres of land, also known as 315 South Depeyster Street, for $120,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station.
2014-71 7-16-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between A & P Income, LLC and the City, to purchase 0.12 acres of land, also known as 206 College Avenue, for $209,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station Building and to lease back the property to A & P Income, LLC until May 17, 2015 for $1.00.
2014-72 7-16-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between A & P Income, LLC and the City to purchase 0.12 acres of land, also known as 210 College Avenue, for $220,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station Building, and to lease back the property to A & P Income, LLC until May 17, 2015 for $1.00.
2014-73 7-16-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Grant H. Heisa and the City to purchase 0.19 acres of land, also known as 234 College Avenue, for $160,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station Building and to lease back the property to Grant H. Heisa until May 17, 2015 for $1.00.
2014-74 7-16-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement betweeen Transohio Properties, Inc. and the City to purchase 0.21 acres of land, also known as 218 College Avenue, for $150,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station Building and to lease back the property to Transohio Properties, Inc. until May 17, 2015 for $1.00.
2014-75 7-16-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Eric and Rebecca Metz and the City to purchase 0.13 acres of land, also known as 12 Tonkin Court for $132,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station Building and to lease back the property to Eric and Rebecca Metz until May 17, 2015 for $1.00.
2014-103 8-20-14 Authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between LKG, Inc. and the City to purchase 0.17 acres of land, also known as 309 South Depeyster Street, Parcel #17-024-40- 00-059-000, for $209,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station and to lease back the property to LKG, Inc. until July 15, 2015 for $1.00.
2014-173 12-17-14 Authorizes the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement buying an interest in 0.319 acres of real property from Whitehall Terrace Investors, LLC, for $9,751.00 for the project known as Por-East Summit Street.
2014-174 12-17-14 Authorizes the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement buying an interest in 0.180 acres of real property from Whitehall Terrace Investors II, LLC for $5,240.00 for the project known as Por-East Summit Street.
2015-10 1-21-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Richard J. and Laura L. Maydak and the City of Kent to purchase 0.186 acres of land, also known as 14 Tonkin Court, Kent, Ohio, for $137,500.00 for the construction of the new Police Station.
2015-11 1-21-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Richard J. and Laura L. Maydak and the City of Kent to purchase 0.19 acres of land, also known as 224 College Avenue, Kent, Ohio, for $176,500.00 for the construction of the New Police Station.
2015-12 1-21-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Richard J. and Laura L. Maydak and the City of Kent to purchase 0.19 acres of land, also known as 228 College Avenue, Kent, Ohio, for $270,000.00 for the construction of the new Police Station.
2015-15 1-21-15 Accepting and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.006 acres of real property from Douglas E. & Cynthia L. Masteller for $1,420.00 and an agreement for a temporary easement of 0.011 acres of real property, for $250.00 for right-of- way purposes, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as Por-East Summit Street from Douglas E. and Cynthia L. Masteller.
2015-20 1-21-15 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee, to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.0005 acres of real property from S.M. Poulton, Ltd., an Ohio limited liability company, for $180.00 and an agreement for a temporary easement of 0.014 acres of real property for $310.00 for right-of- way purpose, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as Por-East Summit Street from S.M. Poulton, Ltd.
2015-24 2-18-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee to complete negotiations for, draft and execute a purchase agreement for the sale of parcels of property known as 215 East Summit Street and 325 South Depeyster Street, Kent, Ohio, to Newbrook Partners, for $2,400,000.
2015-36 2-18-15 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.002 acres of real property from Stephen Jonsson & Karla J. McElroy for $1,140.00 and an agreement for a temporary easement of 0.029 acres of real property, for $640.00 for right-of-way purposes, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as Por- East Summit from Stephen Jonsson and Karla J. McElroy.
2015-37 2-18-15 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.044 acres of real property from A & H Investments Joint Venture, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, for $6,890.00 and an agreement for a temporary easement of 0.248 acres of real property for $5,610.00 for right-of-way purpose, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as Por-East Summit Street from A & H Investments Joint Venture, LLC.
2015-38 2-18-15 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.022 acres of real property from Hauch Housing, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company for $43,610.00 and an agreement for a temporary easement of 0.039 acres of real property, for $890.00 for right-of- way purposes, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as Por-East Summit Street from Hauch Housing.
2015-39 2-18-15 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.167 acres of real property from the Portage County Port Authority for $32,160.00 and an agreement for a temporary easement of 0.0155 acres of real property, for $4,340.00 for right-of-way purposes, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as Por-East Summit Street from the Portage County Port Authority.
2015-45 3-4-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between S.M. Poulton, Ltd and the City of Kent, to purchase 0.11 acres of land, also known as 223 College Avenue, Kent, Ohio, for $193.300.00 for the construction of the new Police Station.
2015-46 3-4-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between S.M. Poulton, Ltd. and the City of Kent, to purchase 0.14 acres of land, also known as 225 College Avenue, Kent, Ohio, for $393.040.00 for the construction of the new Police Station.
2015-47 3-4-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between S.M. Poulton, Ltd. and the City of Kent to purchase 0.18 acres of land, also known as 227 College Avenue, Kent, Ohio, for $341,500.00 for the construction of the new Police Station Building.
2015-48 3-4-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between S.M. Templeton, Ltd, and the City of Kent to purchase 0.19 acres of land, also known as 233 College Avenue, Kent, Ohio for $438,160.00 for the construction of the new Police Station.
2015-59 3-18-15 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City of Kent, Ohio, buying an interest in 0.032 acres of real property from the Trustees of the Kent Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for $4,800.00.
2015-74 4-15-15 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Bauer Hibbard Partners and the City of Kent to purchase 5.926 acres of land for $368,000.00 for the City of Kent Parks & Recreation Department use.
2015-171 12-16-15 Accepting donation of a 0.1664 acre parcel of property owned by OH KAYE PROPERTIES LLC for purposes of road right-of-way for West Main Street.
2016-17 2-17-16 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Shirley A. and Joseph A. Betkoski and the City of Kent to purchase 7.0679 acres of real property, known as 745 Longcoy Avenue, Kent, Ohio for $170,000.00 for the City of Kent Parks & Recreation Department use.
2016-37 4-20-16 Authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into an agreement between Diane L. Roberts and Gary L. Roberts and the City of Kent to purchase 0.162 acres of land known as a portion of 327-333 Tonkin Court, Kent, Ohio for $90,000.00.
2016-48 6-15-16 Authorizing an agreement between the City and Gary Phillip Berardinelli to sell 0.2833 acres of unimproved real property, known as 1065 Mason Avenue for $8,499.00.
2017-06 1-18-17 Authorizing an agreement between J & W Kent, LLC and the City of Kent to purchase .0193 acres of land for $24,550.00 for the GPD- Kent for bike and hike trail.
2017-16 3-15-17 Authorizing an agreement for the purchase and sale of real estate between the City of Kent and John Flynn to sell the real property known as 214 South Water Street, Kent, Ohio for $435,000.00.
2017-25 4-19-17 Authorizing the transfer of three (3) parcels of land from Kent Downtown Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (DKC) to the City of Kent, to develop parking for 315 Gougler Avenue, and accepting said transferred property.
2017-26 4-19-17 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the sale of real property on Gougler Avenue to 315 RFK, LLC for $200,000.00.
2017-70 7-26-17 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement between Thomas F. and Sharon A. Hunter and the City to purchase 500 Middlebury Road, Kent, Ohio for $115,000.00.
2017-92 8-16-17 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement with the City, buying an interest in 0.002 acres of real property from Thomas L. and Barbara J. Hershberger for the project POR-43-10.26 known as SR 43 Traffic Improvement Project.
2017-93 8-16-17 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement with the City, buying an interest in 0.010 acres of real property from Nemer Properties, Ltd, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway and sidewalks for the project POR-43-10.26 known as SR 43 Traffic Improvement Project.
2017-95 8-16-17 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement with the City, buying an interest in 0.009 acres of real property from Mark S. and Rosalie M. Swolinski, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway and sidewalks for the project POR-43-10.26 known as SR 43 Traffic Improvement Project.
2017-110 9-20-17 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement with the City, buying an interest in 0.002 acres of real property from 1341-1343 S. Water St., LLC.
2020-81 8-19-20 Accepting a donation of a parcel of land (0.377 acres) located on Fairchild Avenue adjacent to Forest Lakes Recreational Area from Bill Arthur, Transohio Properties.
2023-085 11-15-23 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement for the sale of parcels of property known as 252 N. Water Street and PPN 17-025-30-00-028-000 a vacant lot on N. Water Street.
2024-014 2-21-24 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a purchase agreement with the City buying an interest in 0.153 acres of real property from the Most Reverend David J. Bonnar, Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown, and with the City obtaining a temporary easement, for right-of-way purpose, to install, construct and reconstruct the roadway for the project known as East Main Street Improvement Project.
2024-061 7-24-24 Declaring the intent to appropriate property interests in PPN 17-024-33-00-123-000 for the East Main Street Improvement Project.
2024-108 10-16-24 Declaring the intent to appropriate property interests for PPN 17-023-10-00-163-001 and 17-023-10-00-163-001 for the East Main Street Improvement Project.
2024-114 11-20-24 Authorizing the City Manager to accept the Director’s deed from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for a remnant parcel of land that was created with the construction of SR 261.
2024-118 12-18-24 Accepting a donation of a permanent right of way from Kent State University for the project known as East Main Street Improvement Project.
2025-013 2-19-25 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement between Portage County Land Reutilization Corporation and the City for Parcel #17-011-20-00-003-000 (603 West Street) for $100.00 to maintain the storm water facility.