(a)   Potential Concerns.
      (1)   Odor.
      (2)   Noise.
      (3)   Product logistics.
   (b)   Conditions.
      (1)   All structures and activity areas must be located at least 100 feet from all property lines.
      (2)   No more than two (2) driveway approaches are permitted directly from any thoroughfare and the driveway must not exceed twenty-four (24) feet in width at the property line.
      (3)   If the property fronts on two or more streets, the driveways must be located as far from the street intersections as is practical.
      (4)   Vehicular approaches to the property must be designed to allow sufficient off-street transient parking or waiting area without creating an interference with traffic on the street.
      (5)   The sanitary landfill use must comply with the following conditions:
         A.   All sanitary landfill sites are subject to approval by the City Board of Health.
         B.   A topographic map showing the design of the sanitary landfill site at a scale of not over 200 feet to the inch and with five-foot contour intervals must be submitted with the application.
         C.   The applicant must submit information describing the geological characteristics of the site.
         D.   The site must be limited to areas where water pollution will not occur.
         E.   The site must be accessible from at least two (2) directions.
         F.   The site must be so located as to minimize the effect of winds carrying objectionable odors to urbanized or urbanizing areas.
         G.   The sanitary landfill site must be designed and submitted to the City Board of Health for approval.
         H.   Shelter for landfill equipment must be provided.
         I.   Shelter and sanitary facilities must be provided for personnel.
         J.   Suitable measures must be taken to control fires.
         K.   An attendant must be on duty, during the time the sanitary landfill site is open, to supervise the unloading of refuse.
         L.   Blowing paper must be controlled by providing a portable fence near the working area.
         M.   Sewerage solids or liquids and other hazardous materials must not be disposed on the site.
         N.   There must be no open storage or burning of refuse or garbage.
         O.   No bulky items such as car bodies, refrigerators, and large tires must be disposed on the site.
         P.   Refuse must be spread and compacted in shallow layers not exceeding a depth of two (2) feet of compacted material.
         Q.   A compacted layer of at least six (6) inches of suitable cover material must be placed on all exposed refuse by the end of each working day.
         R.   A layer of suitable cover material compacted to a minimum thickness of two (2) feet must be placed over the entire surface of each portion of the final fill not later than one (1) week following the placement of refuse within that portion.
         S.   Conditions unfavorable for the production of insects and rodents must be maintained by carrying out routine landfill operations promptly in a systematic manner.
         T.   Suitable control measures must be taken whenever dust is a problem.
         U.   The entire site, including the fill surface, must be graded and provided with drainage facilities to minimize runoff onto and into the fill, to prevent erosions or washing of the fill, to drain off rain water falling on the fill, and to prevent the collection of standing water.
         V.   An inspection of the entire site must be made by a representative of the City Board of Health before the earth-moving equipment is removed from the site. Any necessary corrective work must be performed before the landfill project is accepted as completed. Arrangements must be made for the repair of all cracked, eroded, and uneven areas in the final cover during the year following completion of the fill.
         W.   Domestic animals must be excluded from the site.
      (6)   The one hundred (100) foot setback areas must be planted for camouflaging purposes according to the following specifications:
         A.   The one hundred (100) foot-wide strip must be planted with pine, Norway Spruce, or other suitable evergreen trees.
         B.   Such evergreen trees must be planted on a staggered, double row pattern with no more than fifteen (15) feet between trees.
         C.   The one hundred (100) foot-wide planting strips must be so located as to achieve the greatest screening or camouflaging effect and no visual openings are permitted at a height of six (6) feet within three (3) years of planting.
         D.   Trees planted must be at least eight (8) feet in height.
            (Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)