(A)   Upon impounding an animal with an identification tag, the animal control officer shall within 3 days notify the animal's owner.
(Ord. 121, passed 11-11-1993)
   (B)   If the owner of the animal is unknown, then no later than 3 days after an animal is impounded, a written or printed notice stating that the animal is in the town’s possession and will be turned over the Johnsotn County Animal Shelter if not redeemed by the owner within the applicable period of redemption, and containing the following information, shall also be posted on the bulletin board of the police department:
A description of  the animal including breed, color, and sex; the date, time, and place that the animal was picked up; the date and time of posting the notice; and the time and date that the animal will be turned over to the Johnston County Animal Control if not redeemed.
(Am. Ord. passed 9-13-2004)