93.01 Administration
93.02 Definitions
93.03 Abandoned vehicle unlawful; removal authorized
93.04 Nuisance vehicle unlawful; removal authorized
93.05 Junked vehicle regulated; removal authorized
93.06 Removal of abandoned, nuisance, or junked motor vehicles; pre-towing notice requirements
93.07 Exceptions to prior notice requirement
93.08 Removal of vehicles; post-towing notice requirements
93.09 Right to probable cause hearing before sale or final disposition of vehicle
93.10 Redemption of vehicle during proceedings
93.11 Sale and disposition of unclaimed vehicle
93.12 Conditions on removal of vehicles from private property
93.13 Protection against criminal or civil liability
93.14 Exceptions
93.15 Unlawful removal of impounded vehicle
Nuisances, see Ch. 92