(A)   General duties. The Budget Officer shall perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in Sections 8-2-9.1 through 8-2-9.10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/1-1-1 et seq., as amended.
   (B)   Alter sub-classes. The Village Budget Officer shall have the authority to delete, add to, change or create sub-classes within object classes previously budgeted.
   (C)   Transfer of funds. The Village Budget Officer may, with the approval of the Finance Committee, transfer funds within the approved annual budget upon submission of a proper request from the head of any village department, board or commission and subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Transfers may not be made between or among funds;
      (2)   Transfers may not be made between or among departments, boards or commissions;
      (3)   Transfers may be made:
         (a)   Between or among subclasses within an object class; and
         (b)   Between or among object classes; provided, however, that each transfer shall be within the same fund and provided further that, where more than one department, commission or division is within a fund, each transfer shall be within that department, commission or division;
      (4)   Transfers shall not exceed $5,000;
      (5)   Transfers to or from a particular account shall not exceed a reasonable number in each fiscal year, as determined by the Budget Officer and the Finance Committee; and
      (6)   Transfers may be made from one account to one or more other accounts only if, at the time of the transfer, sufficient uncommitted and unspent funds are in the account from which the funds are to be transferred.