(A)   General duties.
      (1)   Except as otherwise provided by law or ordinance, the Village Collector shall have the authority and it shall be his or her duty to collect all moneys due the village, to issue receipts therefor and to keep a complete and accurate account in books of original entry in accordance with good accounting practices and subject to the general supervision of the Village Board.
      (2)   The Village Collector shall be authorized to accept payment of moneys due to the village by credit card. The Village Manager may enter into agreements to process credit and debit card payments with card servicing companies so long as the terms of these agreements are not less advantageous to the village than the terms that are commonly available to other organizations accepting these forms of payment.
      (3)   All books, accounts and papers pertaining to his or her office shall be at all times open to inspection by the Village President, Village Clerk or any Village Trustee.
   (B)   Remittance to Village Treasurer. He or she shall promptly pay over to the Village Treasurer all moneys collected by him or her, and shall at the time of the remittances, advise the Village Treasurer of the account to which the remittances should be credited.
   (C)   Deposit account. There is hereby established a deposit account in which the Collector shall deposit all water, contractors and other similar deposits paid to him or her in the name of the village and in an official depository bank designated by the Village Board.
   (D)   Additional duties. The Village Collector shall perform other duties as may be from time to time required of him or her by ordinance or resolution of the Village Board or by law.