Each tentative plat submitted to the village shall be in duplicate and shall meet the following requirements.
   (A)   It shall be drawn to a scale of 100 feet or less to the inch.
   (B)   It shall show the boundaries of the property to be subdivided, its legal description, section and half-section lines, existing permanent buildings, water courses and other features pertinent to proper subdivision.
   (C)   All existing public and private streets and alleys adjacent to or intersecting the proposed subdivision shall be shown, with names and widths indicated.
   (D)   Areas and principal dimensions of proposed lots, minimum front, side and rear yard setback lines
required by the zoning regulations of the village, and the names of proposed streets or ways shall be shown.
   (E)   It shall show the name of the proposed subdivision, the name of the owner, sponsor and subdivider and the consent of any trustee or mortgagee.
   (F)   It shall show any additional information deemed necessary by the Plan Commission in any individual case, to enable it to intelligently pass on the proposed subdivision.
(1959 Code, § 32-3) (Ord. 1355, passed 4-15-2024)