For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALARM. Any device or group of devices, installed in a residence, building or other structure or premises with a fixed location, for the purpose of monitoring events or conditions and sounding an alarm or other signal, audible or detectable outside the premises, to warn of unauthorized entry, breakage, robbery, burglary, fire or similar emergency.
CENTRAL STATION ALARM. An alarm that, when activated, causes a signal at the alarm monitoring board located in the Village Police Department or at the fire alarm board located in the Winnetka Public Safety Building.
LOCAL ALARM. An alarm that, when activated, sounds audibly on the premises protected by the alarm and is not connected to any central location.
PRIVATE STATION ALARM. An alarm that, when activated, causes a signal in a private central location, resulting in the central station operator telephoning and advising the desk operator at the Village Police Department of the site of the alarm activation.
(Ord. 808, passed 3-14-1994)