(A) The park hours shall be from 8:00 a.m. until 30 minutes after sunset year-round excluding sanctioned tournaments or other events approved by the town and the tennis courts which will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(B) Permits will be available from the Town Hall for special use and for special groups. No special permits will be issued without at least 24 hours’ notice.
(Ord. passed 11-4-1974; Ord. passed 11-5-2018) Penalty, see § 94.99
No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed or displayed on the park grounds.
(Ord. passed 11-4-1974) Penalty, see § 94.99
There shall be no riding of bicycles or vehicles of any kind, including motorcycles, motorbikes and go- carts, on the park grounds, except in the parking area and only then when necessary for ingress and egress.
(Ord. passed 11-4-1974) Penalty, see § 94.99
There shall be no pets allowed in the park except in the natural areas immediately adjacent to the playground area and basketball courts and common/walking areas immediately adjacent to the athletic fields and concession stand. Pets are strictly prohibited from hard surface playing areas such as the playground, basketball courts, tennis courts and including the athletic fields. Any pet that is not confined as provided in this section and not under the actual and direct physical control or restraint of its owner, leaseholder or keeper by an adequate leash shall be presumed to be running at large and is prohibited as per this section and the Dog Control Ordinance adopted August 6, 2012. This prohibition does not apply to service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(Ord. passed 11-4-1974; Ord. passed 5-6-2019)