   (A)   Minimum number of spaces required. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this subchapter, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following table. Unlisted uses shall conform to the requirements of the most similar use.
Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards
Spaces Required
Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards
Spaces Required
Accessory Uses
   Accessory dwelling unit
1 per unit
   Caretaker dwelling
1 per unit
   Home occupations (customary)
2 + required for dwelling unit
Agricultural Uses
   Veterinary services (livestock)
3 per doctor + 1 per other employee
Commercial Uses
   Adult entertainment
1 per employee + 1/100 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Alcoholic beverage control (ABC) stores
1 per employee + 1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Animal shelters
1 per employee + 1 per 10 kennels
   Auction houses
1/100 sq. ft. of auction floor area
   Automobile repair and service centers
1 per employee + 3 per service bay
   Automobile sales, rental and leasing
1 per employee + 1 per 10 vehicle display spaces
   Automobile supply stores
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Automobile towing and storage
1 per employee + 1 per 10 vehicle storage spaces
   Banks and credit unions
1/200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Barber shops and salons
3 per employee
   Bars, nightclubs and similar establishments
1 per 3 patrons based on design capacity + 1 per employee
   Bed and breakfast inns
2 + 1 per rental room
   Car washes full service self service
1 per employee + 10 stacking spaces 2 stacking spaces per bay
   Contractors offices
3 + 1 per employee
   Convenience stores
1/200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
3 + 1 per employee
   Drug stores and pharmacies
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Dry cleaners
1 per employee + 1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Equipment rental and leasing
1/500 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Equipment repair services
1/500 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Farm and agricultural supplies, retail
1/500 sq. ft of gross floor area
   Farm equipment sales and service
1 per employee + 1 per service bay + 1/1,000 sq. ft. of equipment display area
   Fuel oil sales, retail
1 per employee + 1/300 sq. ft. of customer service area
   Funeral homes (no crematory services)
1 per employee + 1 per 4 seats in chapel
   Garden centers and nurseries, retail
1 per employee + 1/400 sq. ft. of display area
   Gasoline sales, retail
1 per employee
   General merchandise stores
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Grocery stores
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Hardware and home improvement stores
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Home furnishings stores
1/500 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Hotels and motels
1 per employee on largest shift + 1.25 per room
   Kennels, commercial
1 per employee + 1 per 10 kennels
   Landscaping services
1 per employee
1 per employee + 1 per 4 washers/dryers
   Manufactured home sales, new
1 per employee + 1 per 5 home display spaces
   Medical and dental offices and laboratories
3 per practitioner + 1 per other employee
   Medical treatment centers
3 per practitioner + 1 per other employee
   Motorcycle sales
1 per employee + 1 per 10 vehicle display spaces
   Movie theaters
1 per employee + 1 per 4 seats
1/ 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Personal services establishments (not otherwise classified)
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Professional offices (not otherwise classified)
1/300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Recreational vehicle sales
1 per employee + 1/10 vehicle display spaces
1 per employee on largest shift + 1 per 4 seats
   Retail sales (not otherwise classified)
1 per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Specialty food and beverage stores
1 per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Tire sales, retail (no outside storage)
1 per employee + 2 per service bay + 1/500 sq. ft. of display area
   Tattoo and body piercing establishment
2 per practitioner + 1 per other employee
   Vending stations, unmanned
3 spaces
   Veterinary services (domestic animals)
3 per doctor + 1 per other employee
Government, Educational and Institutional Uses
   Ambulance/EMS stations
1 per employee on largest shift
1 per 5 seats
   Assisted living/nursing facilities
1 per employee on largest shift + per 4 residents
1 per 4 seats
   Churches/religious institutions
1 per 4 seats in sanctuary
   Civic or fraternal organizations
1 /200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
   Colleges and universities
1 per 3 students + 1 per employee
   Conference and event centers
1 per 5 persons based on design capacity
   Day care centers, adult
1 per employee + 1 per 10 attendees
   Fire stations
1 per employee on largest shift
   Government offices
1 per employee + 1/200 sq. ft. of gross floor area
2 per patient bed + 1/300 sq. feet of administrative area
1 per 450 sq. ft. of gross floor area + 1 per employee
1 per 450 sq. ft. of gross floor area + 1 per employee
   Police stations
1 per employee on largest shift
   Post offices
1 per employee + 1/150 sq. ft. of public service area
   School, elementary
1 per employee + 2 per classroom
   School, middle high
1 per employee + 2 per classroom
   School, senior high
1 per employee + 1 per 4 students
   School, trade or vocational
1 per 3 students + 1 per employee
Industrial Uses
   All industrial uses
1 per employee on largest shift + 1/300 sq. ft. of customer service/display areas
Recreation Uses
   Commercial recreation, indoor
1 per 300 sq. ft.
   Commercial recreation, outdoor
1 per employee + 1/3 participants/spectators at largest event
   Country club
1 per employee + 1/300 sq. ft of gross floor area + spaces for accessory uses
   Golf course
1 per employee + 4 per hole
   Golf driving range
1 per employee + 2 per tee
   Horse stables/riding academies
1 per employee + 1 per stall
   Shooting range, indoor
1 per employee + 1.5 per lane
   Shooting range, outdoor
1 per employee + 1.5 per position
Residential Uses
   Boarding and rooming houses
2 + 1 per rental unit
   Dwelling, single-family detached
2 per dwelling unit
   Dwelling, duplex
2 per dwelling unit
   Dwelling, multi-family
1 per 10 units +
      0-1 bedroom units
1.50 per unit
      2 bedroom units
1.75 per unit
      3+ bedroom units
2 .00 per unit
   Dwelling, townhouse
1 per 10 units +
      0-1 bedroom units
1.50 per unit
      2 bedroom units
1.75 per unit
      3+ bedroom units
2.00 per unit
   Dwelling, live/work
1 per unit +1 per commercial space
   Dwelling, upper story loft
1 per unit
   Dwelling, manufactured home, Class A
2 per dwelling unit
   Family care home
2 + 1 per 3 residents
   Group care facility
1 per employee + 1 per 3 residents
   Manufactured home park
2 per dwelling unit
Temporary Uses
   Flea markets and swap meets
4 per booth
   Seasonal sales (Christmas trees, pumpkins and the like)
1 per employee + 1/300 sq. ft. of display area
Transportation, Warehousing and Utility Uses
   Bulk mail or parcel handling facilities
1 per employee on largest shift
   Self storage facilities
1 per employee + 1 per 10 rental units
   Truck and freight terminals
1 per employee on largest shift
   Warehouses and distribution centers
1 per employee on largest shift
Wholesale Uses
   All wholesale uses
1 per employee on largest shift + 1/300 sq. ft. of customer service/display areas
   (B)   Maximum number of spaces permitted. Where off-street parking spaces in excess of 125% of the minimum are provided, all excess parking areas must be paved with pervious paving materials. In no case shall parking in excess of 150% of the minimum number required be allowed.
   (C)   Minimum separation. Except in the Central Business (CB) District, all parking areas shall be separated at least ten feet from buildings in order to allow room for sidewalks, landscaping and other plantings between the building and the parking area. This separation may be eliminated in the rear of buildings in areas designed for loading and unloading materials.
   (D)   Cross-access required.
      (1)   General. All development except detached residential and attached residential development with less than four dwelling units shall be designed to allow for cross-access to adjacent compatible sites in accordance with the following standards.
         (a)   Limited to two parcels. Cross-access ways shall be designed and located based on the standards of this section, but in no case shall a development be required to provide cross-access to more than two adjacent parcels.
         (b)   Future stubs required. A stub for future cross-access shall be provided to all adjacent vacant land designated as GC or OI; and
         (c)   Placement and width. Cross-access ways shall be located and configured in a manner to provide the most convenient access between adjacent parcels. No part of a cross-access way shall be located within a street right-of-way. The minimum width of the cross-access way shall be 22 feet.
      (2)   Waiver.
         (a)   The Zoning Administrator shall waive the cross-access standard if the applicant demonstrates it is impractical to provide cross-access due to:
            1.   Topography or natural features;
            2.   The size and configuration of the site;
            3.   Vehicular safety factors;
            4.   The presence of incompatible uses; or
            5.   Existing development patterns on adjacent developed sites that make cross-access impossible.
         (b)   When cross-access is waived in accordance with this section, pedestrian connections shall be provided between adjacent developments or uses, to the maximum extent practicable.
      (3)   Recording required. Where provided, cross-access easements must be recorded by the owner/developer of the property prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
   (E)   Dimensional standards for parking spaces and drive aisles. The minimum dimensions for standard car parking spaces and parking lot aisles shall comply with the table above:
Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles
Stall Type
Stall Width (feet)
Stall Depth (feet)
Minimum Aisle Width for Two Way Traffic 1
45 degrees
90 degrees
1   The aisle width may be reduced by one-half for one-way traffic.
   (F)   Accessible parking for disabled persons. Off-street parking for disabled persons shall be provided in accordance with Federal ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)
   (A)   Minimum number of spaces required. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this subchapter, loading areas shall be provided in accordance with the following table:
Loading Area Standards
Use Type
Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Number of Spaces
Loading Area Standards
Use Type
Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Minimum Number of Spaces
Industrial uses
Up to 15,0000
15,000 - 49,999
50,000 - 124,999
125,000 - 249,999
250,000 or more
5 +1 per every additional 125,000 sq. ft.
10,000 or more
Retail sales and service
3,000 - 14,999
15,000 - 49,999
50,000 - 99,999
100,000 or more
4 + 1 per every additional 100,000 sq. ft.
Wholesale and warehousing (except self storage)
Up to 15,000
15,000 - 49,999
50,000 or more
3 + 1 per every additional 50,000 sq. ft.
   (B)   Design standards.
      (1)   Minimum dimensions.
         (a)   Each loading berth or space required by this subsection shall be at least ten feet wide by 50 feet long (or deep), with at least 15 feet of overhead clearance. Each off-street loading space shall have adequate, unobstructed paths for the ingress and egress of vehicles.
         (b)   Uses with between 2,000 and 5,000 square feet of floor area that are required to provide an off-street loading space may provide a space which is ten feet wide by 30 feet long (deep), with at least 15 feet of overhead clearance.
      (2)   Location. Where possible, loading areas shall be located to the rear of the use they serve. In addition, the loading area shall be located adjacent to the buildings loading doors, in an area that promotes their practical use.
      (3)   Delineation of loading spaces. All loading spaces shall be delineated by signage, striping and labeling of the pavement.
      (4)   Access to a street. Every loading area shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street, but in no case shall the loading space extend into the required aisle of the parking lot.
      (5)   Paving. The ground surface of loading areas shall be paved with a durable, dust free and hard material, such as surface and seal treatment, bituminous hot mix or portland cement, concrete or some comparable material. Such paving shall be maintained for safe and convenient use at all times.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)
   (A)   Minimum number of spaces required. In addition to meeting the off-street parking standards in the table in § 152.314 of this chapter, uses with drive-through facilities or similar auto-orientation shall comply with the minimum stacking space standards in the table below:
Required Stacking/Standing Spaces
Type of Use/Activity
Minimum Stacking Spaces
Measured From
Required Stacking/Standing Spaces
Type of Use/Activity
Minimum Stacking Spaces
Measured From
Automated teller machine
Teller machine
Automobile repair and service
3 per service bay
Bay entrance
Car wash (automatic)
Bay entrance
Car wash (full service)
Bay entrance
Day care center
Building entrance
Financial institution
5 per lane
Teller window
Gasoline sales
30 feet from each end of the outermost island
Nursing home
Building entrance
Restaurant drive-through
Pick-up window
Retail sales and service (drug store, dry cleaning and the like)
5 per lane
Agent window
Unlisted uses
Determined by the Ordinance Administrator based on the size and type of use
   (B)   Dimensional standards. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide and 20 feet deep.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)
   (A)   Pedestrian circulation. Off-street parking lots of 25 or more spaces shall include pedestrian corridors through parking areas and sidewalks along building facades to accommodate safe pedestrian travel. Pedestrian corridors shall be demarcated by painting, material changes or differing heights where they cross-vehicular travel ways.
   (B)   Pedestrian pathways through lots. Off-street parking lots containing 150 or more spaces shall provide fully separated pedestrian pathways within the parking lot. These pathways shall:
      (1)   Be located within planted landscaping strips located a minimum of every 130 feet or every four parking rows;
      (2)   Be paved with asphalt, cement or other comparable material;
      (3)   Be of contrasting color or materials when crossing drive aisles;
      (4)   Be at least three feet in width when located within planting strips and ten feet in width when crossing drive aisles;
      (5)   Terminate at drive aisle edges;
      (6)   Be positively drained; and
      (7)   Provide safe and efficient pedestrian access to the use they serve.
   (C)   Bicycle parking. All development with parking areas with 50 or more spaces shall provide bicycle parking facilities, which shall comply with the following standards.
      (1)   Bicycle parking spaces shall be conveniently located, but in no case shall such facilities be located farther than 100 linear feet from the primary building entrance.
      (2)   Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided at the rate of one space per ten off-street parking spaces, with a maximum requirement of ten bicycle spaces.
      (3)   Bicycle facilities shall include a rack or other device to enable bicycles to be secured.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)
   (A)   The purpose and intent of this subchapter is to support and complement the various land uses allowed in the town and its extraterritorial jurisdiction through the regulation of various signs.
   (B)   More specifically, the purpose of this chapter is to:
      (1)   Encourage effective use. Encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication in the town;
      (2)   Maintain and enhance character. To maintain and enhance the beauty and unique character and enhance the aesthetic environment of the town by eliminating visual blight;
      (3)   Enhance economic growth. To enhance the town’s ability to attract sources of economic growth and development;
      (4)   Maintain safe conditions. To protect pedestrians and motorists of the town from damage or injury caused or partially attributed to the distractions and obstructions caused by improper size and location of signs;
      (5)   Minimize adverse effects. To minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property; and
      (6)   Promote public safety, health and welfare. To promote public safety, health, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of travel and the free flow of travel within the town.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)
   Unless exempted in accordance with § 152.332 of this chapter, no sign allowed by this subchapter shall be constructed, erected, moved, enlarged, illuminated, altered, maintained or displayed without first being issued a zoning permit.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)