§ 152.332  EXEMPT SIGNS.
   The following types of signs shall be exempt from the requirement to obtain a zoning permit and may be located on a lot within any base zoning district; provided, the sign is located outside the right-of-way and complies with all applicable requirements in this subchapter.
   (A)   Commercial signs. Internally directed device signs which are not intended to be read from a public right-of-way and do not exceed 32 square feet in area are exempt.
   (B)   Incidental signs.
      (1)   Public interest and incidental signs less than two square feet in size; and
      (2)   Flags and pennants; provided:
         (a)   No display pole exceeds 35 feet in height;
         (b)   Flags do not exceed 60 square feet in size; and
         (c)   Flags are limited to a maximum of three per site.
   (C)   Public and governmental signs. Any sign installed by public or governmental agencies.
   (D)   Sandwich board signs. Sandwich board signs on lots within the General Commercial (GC) and Central Business (CB) Base Zoning Districts; provided, the sign:
      (1)   Is limited to a maximum area of 12 square feet or less (for both sides);
      (2)   Does not exceed four feet in height;
      (3)   Is located so as to maintain at least five linear feet of clearance for pedestrian travel;
      (4)   Is limited to a maximum of one per establishment; and
      (5)   Is removed each evening following the close of the business it serves.
   (E)   Temporary signs.
      (1)   One temporary yard signs is allowed per lot at any time; provided:
         (a)   The sign face is no larger than two square feet;
         (b)   Signs are placed at least five feet behind the right-of-way and out of any sight triangles; and
         (c)   No sign is illuminated.
      (2)   In addition to the base number of yard signs allowable, additional temporary yard signs are permissible.
         (a)   An additional temporary yard sign is permitted when a property is for sale, lease, rent or during construction; provided:
            1.   There is no more than one sign per street frontage;
            2.   Signs do not exceed a maximum of ten square feet in area per sign on a lot in a residential base zoning district and 32 square feet per sign on a lot in any other base zoning district;
            3.   Signs on corner lots are located at least 100 linear feet apart as measured by the shortest straight line between them;
            4.   Signs are removed within seven days after the property is sold, rented, leased or construction has been completed; and
            5.   No sign is illuminated.
         (b)   Two additional temporary yard signs are permitted 60 days before and seven days after an election; provided that, no sign exceeds 12 square feet in area.
      (3)   On-premises pennants, flags and streamers may be permitted for one consecutive 30- day period per establishment per calendar year.
      (4)   Temporary banners may be permitted; provided, they are:
         (a)   Limited to a maximum of 75 square feet in area;
         (b)   Attached to primary facade of a principal structure or set back 50 feet from a street right-of-way;
         (c)   Not attached to a roof structure or an existing sign face;
         (d)   Not located above the second floor level; and
         (e)   Limited to a maximum of two per establishment per calendar year, for periods not to exceed 15 consecutive days.
   (F)   Signs where agriculture is the primary use.
      (1)   Signs are limited to a maximum of one per lot.
      (2)   The sign is located outside the street right-of-way and at least ten feet from any side lot line.
      (3)   The sign has a maximum area of nine square feet.
      (4)   The sign is not illuminated.
   (G)   Window signs. Window signs on the ground floor of a commercial use provided the window sign(s) occupies less than 50% of the total window area on the building side where it is located.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)