(A)   In the case of water leaks, if a leak is reported to the Board of Public Affairs in writing by the customer of the system, after elimination of said leak has been confirmed by the Water Superintendent, the Board may affirm or modify related billings. In determining whether to modify a billing the following will be considered:
      (1)   Whether the customer promptly stopped the leak;
      (2)   The fault of the customer;
      (3)   The customer's ability to pay;
      (4)   Discoverability of the leak;
      (5)   Past leakage related to the affected premises; and
      (6)   Any other circumstances reasonably bearing on the advisability of a modification of a billing.
   (B)   Any person feeling aggrieved by or having a dispute concerning a determination or decision regarding water rates and charges or other charges, may appeal such determination or decision to the Board of Public Affairs by filing a written notice with said Board requesting a hearing. Said notice shall state the nature of the grievance or dispute and shall be filed within 15 days of the date of the bill being questioned. Upon the filing of the notice the Board of Public Affairs shall hold a hearing thereon at its next regular meeting and shall give the person filing the notice written notice of the date, place and time of the hearing at least 10 days in advance thereof. The hearings provided for herein shall be informal in nature, but the Board shall make a record of the proceeding, state its conclusions in the minutes of their meeting, and thereafter in writing notify the customer of its findings. The Board may affirm or modify the bill in question. The findings and decision of the Board shall be final.
   (C)   Any person served with a notice of termination of water service pursuant to § 50.53(C) may appeal the decision to terminate by filing a written appeal to the Board of Public Affairs. Said appeal shall be filed on or before the last date set forth in the notice of termination for payment of the unpaid bill. Upon the filing of the appeal the Board of Public Affairs shall hold a hearing thereon and shall provide the person filing the appeal with notice of the date, place and time of the hearing at least ten days in advance thereof. The hearings provided for herein shall be informal in nature, but the Board shall make a record of the proceeding, state its conclusions in the minutes of their meeting, and thereafter in writing notify the customer of its findings. In the event the Board shall affirm the decision to terminate, it shall notify the person appealing that water service shall be terminated after the tenth day following the date of mailing of the Board's findings. Water service shall not be terminated while the appeal is pending.
   (D)   Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Public Affairs may appeal such decision to the Common Pleas Court as provided by law.
(Ord. 492, passed 5-27-88)