(A) An application for a registration certification shall be filed by the owner with the City Administrator. An application for any dwelling to be converted to a use which would require a registration certificate shall be made and filed with the Director of Planning and Zoning at least 30 days prior to the conversion.
(Prior Code, § 28-2)
(B) (1) Forms of applications for registration certificates shall be supplied by the City Administrator and will be available at City Hall.
(2) Each application for registration certificate shall contain the following information:
(a) Name, residence, address, telephone number and date of birth of the owner of the dwelling. If the owner is a partnership, the name of the partnership, and the name, residence address, telephone number and date of birth of the managing partner. If the owner is a corporation, the name and address of the corporation, and the name, address, telephone number and date of birth of the chief operating officer. If the dwelling is being sold on a contract for deed, the name and address of the contract vendee. Where the word
OWNER is used in any part of the city housing code, it shall include all persons as outlined in this section;
(b) Name, residence address, telephone number and date of birth of any agent appointed by the owner to accept service of process and to receive or give receipt for notices;
(c) Name, residence address, telephone number and date of birth of any operator or agent actively involved in maintenance or management of the dwelling;
(d) Legal street address of dwelling;
(e) Complete details of the number and kind of units offered for rent, classified as to the type of unit on the application and the facilities incorporated in the rental units; and
(f) Any person making application for a rental registration certificate must provide proof of identification by the user of a driver's license, state issued identification card, military identification card or other identification as is acceptable to the City Administrator. The identification provided must set forth the full name and date of birth of the person making the application.
(Prior Code, § 28-3)
(Ord. 800, passed - -)
Every application for registration certificate shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the City Zoning Administrator indicating that the proposed use of the dwelling is in compliance with zoning requirements.
(Prior Code, § 28-4) (Ord. 800, passed - -)
Whenever the investigation of an application indicated that the dwellings, apartments or rooming units offered for rent comply with all provisions of this code, including any provisions of the zoning ordinances, the City Administrator shall issue a registration certificate.
(Prior Code, § 28-5) (Ord. 800, passed - -)
Whenever the investigation of an application for registration certificate indicated that the dwelling, apartment or rooming unit offered for rent does not comply with the provisions of this code, the City Administrator shall serve a notice to the applicant at his or her address indicated on the application for registration certificate.
(Prior Code, § 28-6) (Ord. 800, passed - -)
Whenever the investigation of an application for registration certificate indicated that the dwelling, apartment or rooming unit does not comply with the provisions of this code including any provisions of the zoning ordinances, the City Administrator shall return the application to the applicant stating the reasons for the rejection of the application.
(Prior Code, § 28-7) (Ord. 800, passed - -)
Every person required to register a dwelling, apartment or rooming unit offered for rent under the provisions of this subchapter and who fails to do so, or who allows the property to be occupied when the registration certificate or right to receive the registration certificate is revoked or suspended, shall be guilty of a violation of this code. Each day that a property is rented out without a valid rental registration certificate on file for that property is a separate violation.
(Prior Code, § 28-9) (Ord. 800, passed - -)
(A) Registration certificates will initially be required on or before 7-1-2004. All registration certificates shall expire on June 30 of the year following its issuance and must be renewed annually. All information required by § 96.21(B) of this chapter must be submitted at the time of renewal.
(B) Every person who transfers title to property registered under this chapter shall provide the City Administrator with the name, residence address, telephone number and date of the transfer of title to the new owner within ten days of the date of the transfer. Within 30 days of the date of the transfer, the new owner shall apply for a new registration certificate. In the case of an option contract where the holder of the option is collecting rents and/or is paying on the mortgage to the property while the option remains unexercised, the holder of the option shall be deemed to be the owner of the property for purposes of this section and shall be required to apply for a rental registration certificate in his or her name. The date the option contract is created shall be deemed to be the date the holder of the option becomes the "owner" for purposes of this section.
(C) Registration certificates may not be transferred or assigned.
(Prior Code, § 28-10) (Ord. 800, passed - -)
(A) Any registration certificate issued by the city pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter may be suspended or revoked upon a finding that the certificate holder, during the term of the certificate, failed to comply with any provision of this subchapter.
(B) A person's right to apply and receive a registration certificate may be suspended or revoked upon a finding that the applicant has let to another for occupancy any dwelling, or any apartment or rooming unit in any dwelling, without first obtaining a registration certificate as required by this subchapter and, during such time, the premises were involved in a disorderly use, as defined below.
(C) Whenever it appears to the Council that adequate grounds may exist for the suspension or revocation of a registration certificate, or the right to receive a registration certificate, the Council shall by resolution specify the nature of the alleged grounds and order that a hearing on the matter be held as provided below.
(D) No suspension or revocation shall be effective until the license or permit holder has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing under §§ 14.57 to 14.70 of the State Administrative Procedure Act.
(E) Upon a finding that the registration certificate holder or applicant has violated this subchapter, the Council may invoke any of the sanctions provided in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 28-11) (Ord. 800, passed - -)