General Provisions
93.01 Superintendent; authority over public areas
93.02 Certain trees declared nuisances
93.03 Permitting nuisance to remain
93.04 Inspection of premises by Superintendent
93.05 Entry on premises by Superintendent
93.06 Abatement of nuisances; procedure; cost
93.07 High value elms; spraying
93.08 Elm wood; permit required for transportation
93.09 Certain species prohibited
93.10 Transmission lines; interference prohibited
93.11 State regulations adopted; stockpiling certain wood restricted
Boulevard Trees
93.25 Definition
93.26 Responsibilities; Park and Recreation Board; Council; homeowners
93.27 Ordinary care
93.28 Permits; planting; tree work
93.29 Public Utilities Department; rights
93.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Authority of city to regulate and protect trees and shrubs, see M.S. § 412.221(8)
The following things are hereby declared to be public nuisances wherever they may be found within the city:
(A) Any living or standing possible diseased tree infected with Dutch elm disease, fungus ceratocystis ulmi or which harbors any of the tree parasites, Scolytus multistriatus or hylurgopinus rufipes; and
(B) Any dead diseased tree or part thereof, including logs, branches, stumps, firewood or other diseased material from which the bark has not been removed and destroyed.
(Prior Code, § 22-2) (Ord. 453, passed - -)
The City Superintendent shall inspect, or cause to be inspected, all premises and places within the city at least twice a year to determine whether any public nuisance, as defined in § 93.02, exists thereon. He or she shall also inspect any elm tree reported or suspected to be infected with tree parasites.
(Prior Code, § 22-4) (Ord. 453, passed - -)