General Provisions
111.01 Definitions
111.02 Local Commissioner
111.03 License required
111.04 Application for license
111.05 Restrictions on licensees
111.06 Record of licenses
111.07 Insurance requirements
111.08 Term of license; renewals; dishonored payment
111.09 Transfer of license
111.10 Classification and fees
111.11 Initial license applications; fees
111.12 Number of licenses issued
111.13 Incomplete applications
111.14 Disposition of fees
111.15 Conditions of license
Location, Building, and Premises Restrictions
111.30 Location restrictions
111.31 Sanitary conditions
111.32 View from street
111.33 Premises restrictions
111.34 Personnel restrictions
111.35 Prohibited acts and conditions
111.36 Sales to minors, drunkards, and the like
111.37 Purchase or acceptance of gift by minors; identification cards
111.50 Violation of tax acts
111.51 Suspension and revocation; complaints and hearings
111.52 Forfeiture of fees
111.53 Use of premises after revocation
111.99 Penalty