(A)   Applications for these licenses shall be made to the Local Commissioner, or the Village Clerk operating in the Commissioner’s behalf, in writing, signed by the applicant if an individual, or by a duly authorized agent thereof if a club or corporation, verified by oath or affidavit, and shall contain the following statements and information:
      (1)   The full name, age, and address of the applicant in the case of an individual; in the case of a copartnership, the persons entitled to share in the profits thereof; and in the case of a corporation, the objects for which organized, the names, addresses, date of birth, and place of birth of the officers, directors, all persons owning directly or beneficially more than 5% of the stock of the corporation, and the persons acting as managers or assistant managers of the premises;
      (2)   The citizenship of the applicant, the applicant’s date and place of birth, and, if a naturalized citizen, the time and place of naturalization;
      (3)   The character of business of the applicant;
      (4)   The length of time the applicant has been in business of that character or, in the case of a corporation, the date when its charter was issued;
      (5)   The amounts of goods, wares, and merchandise on hand at the time application is made;
      (6)   The location and description of the premises or place of business which is to be operated under the license.
         (a)   If a leased premises, a copy of the lease shall be provided as required and shall be for a term of sufficient length to encompass the period of the license sought.
         (b)   The name and address of the owner or owners of the premises and the names and addresses of all the owners of the beneficial interest of any trust if the premises is held in trust;
      (7)   A statement whether the applicant has made application for a similar or other license on premises other than described in this application, and the disposition of the application;
      (8)   A statement that the applicant has never been convicted of a felony and is not disqualified to receive a license by reason of any matter or thing contained in this chapter, laws for this state, or the ordinances of this village;
      (9)   Whether a previous license by any state or subdivision thereof, or by the federal government, has been issued, and, if so, where and when, or if any such license has been revoked the reasons therefor;
      (10)   The date of incorporation, if an Illinois corporation, or the date of becoming qualified under the Illinois Business Corporation Act to transact business of Illinois if a foreign corporation; and
      (11)   A statement that the applicant will not violate any of the laws of this state or of the United States, or any ordinance of the village in the conduct of his or her place of business.
   (B)   All managers and assistant managers for all types of licensed businesses must file applications pursuant to this section as if they were applicants for individual licenses, must meet all pertinent licensing requirements of this chapter, and must be approved by the Local Commissioner. The application, approval, and qualification requirements for managers and assistant managers shall be conditions attached to the license of the business employing them, and any violations of those requirements can result in license penalties for the employing business, including suspension, revocation, or fines.
   (C)   (1)   The Local Commissioner may, in the exercise of his or her discretion, require any applicant for a new village liquor license, or any applicant for a renewal of a village liquor license, to be fingerprinted whether the applicant be an individual or a partnership. Should the applicant be a corporation, the Local Commissioner may, within his or her discretion, require the following to be fingerprinted:
         (a)   The officers, manager, or director of the corporation; or
         (b)   Any stockholder or stockholders owning in the aggregate more than 5% of the capital stock of the corporation.
      (2)   All fingerprinting shall be done by the Police Department. Fingerprints shall be submitted to the appropriate state and federal agencies for processing as available. The cost of fingerprinting shall be paid by the applicant.
   (D)   The Local Commissioner shall issue a written acceptance or rejection of an application within 60 days of its receipt by the Commissioner or Clerk in his or her behalf; or shall notify an applicant of the reasons for further time being necessary to complete the investigation or processing; or shall schedule a hearing on the application as allowed by 235 ILCS 5/7-9.
Penalty, see § 111.99
Statutory reference:
   License applications, see 235 ILCS 5/4-1, 4-7, and 7-1