(A)   Peddling. It shall be unlawful to peddle alcoholic liquor in the village.
   (B)   Gambling. It shall be unlawful to permit any gambling on any premises licensed to sell alcoholic liquor.
   (C)   Solicitation. It shall be unlawful for any licensee, manager, or other person in charge of any licensed premises where alcoholic liquor is sold or offered for sale for consumption thereon to engage, employ, or permit the engagement or employment of any person, nor shall any person be permitted to remain on the premises who shall solicit any patron or customer thereof to purchase alcoholic or nonalcoholic liquor or sexual favors or services for herself, himself, or any other person; nor shall any person, whether employer, entertainer, or otherwise, solicit any patron or customer therein to purchase alcoholic or nonalcoholic liquor for herself, himself, or any other person therein. However, nothing herein contained shall prohibit any adult manager, waitress, or waiter who shall be regularly employed therein from accepting and serving the order of a patron or customer in the regular course of employment as the manager, waitress, or waiter.
Penalty, see § 111.99