8.04.030: DEFINITIONS:
GRASS: Any type of grass or weed, but not including crops grown as a source of income, including, but not limited to, corn, oats, hay, wheat or barley.
LAND USED FOR AGRICULTURE: The use of land for tilling of the soil, the raising of field or tree crops or animal husbandry, as a source of income.
OCCUPANT: Any person who has the right to occupy a parcel of property due to being an owner or pursuant to a verbal or written lease or rental agreement with the owner or agent thereof.
OWNER: Any person holding an ownership interest in land in the city of Kamiah upon which there is tall grass growing. For the purposes of this chapter, the name and address listed on the county tax assessment roll shall indicate ownership interest in such land.
WEEDS: Any plant which in the opinion of the Kamiah city council, or its designee, designated as noxious by the Idaho department of agriculture, regarding grass over ten inches (10") in height, other than that part of a vegetable or flower garden, is regarded as a common nuisance. (Ord. 2017-1, 2017)