These regulations shall apply to the subdividing of all land within the area of impact for the city of Kamiah, or as mutually defined by both city and county under requirements of section 50-1306, Idaho Code, as amended or subsequently codified.
It shall be unlawful hereafter to make a subdivision of land, as defined in this title, or to set apart land for any public street, road, alley, or any part thereof, until plans of the proposed subdivision have been submitted to and approved by the Kamiah city council.
No person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity shall hereafter sell, lease, or offer for sale or lease any lot, piece or parcel of land which is within a "subdivision" as defined by this title, without having first recorded a plat of said subdivision in accordance with the provisions of this title and state law. (Ord. 2000-2 Art. I §5, 2000)