Toy Vehicles
73.01 Prohibited riding areas
73.02 Duty to yield
73.03 Duty to obey traffic-control devices
73.04 Prohibited riding times
73.05 Helmets
73.20 Definition
73.21 Designated routes
73.22 Minimum age of drivers
73.23 Operation offenses
73.24 Equipment
73.25 Operation regulations
73.99 Penalty
(A) No bicycle, skateboard, roller skates, in-line skates or any similar type of device shall be ridden on a sidewalk in the following areas:
(1) Main Street between Alder Street and Third Street; and
(2) Around the Joseph Community Center whenever the building is in use.
(B) There shall not be any ramps or jumps or any other similar devices placed on public property at any time.
(Ord. 94-10, passed 12-16-1994) Penalty, see § 73.99