No structure or land shall be used except by conditional use permit for any of the following uses as such are defined and in accordance with the required lot provisions, design and performance standards, and conditions set by the Council. The requirements of § 154.047 Conditional Use Permits shall be met in addition to the following conditions:
   (A)   Apartments; located above the first floor provided off-street parking requirements are met.
   (B)   Carwash; provided the site plan illustrates appropriate vehicular and pedestrian circulation and stacking of vehicles.
   (C)   Funeral home. Subject to the following:
      (1)   A plan shall be submitted identifying the access points and traffic circulation on the property. Said plan must provide for a minimal interference to the circulation pattern on abutting streets and to adjoining uses of property.
      (2)   Where the use abuts land in the RR, R-l, R-2, or R-3 districts, a landscape buffer strip having a minimum width of 10 feet and consisting of coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs shall be provided along said lot lines.
   (D)   Hotels and motels, provided there is sufficient off-street parking.
   (E)   Dance hall, provided off-street parking requirements are met and the site is at least 60 feet from a residential district.
   (F)   Multiple-family dwellings; provided off-street parking requirements are met.
   (G)   Outdoor seating area for food, on sale liquor establishments, and restaurants.
   (H)   Pawn shop.
   (I)   Residential units on the ground floor of a commercial building. Subject to the following:
      (1)   Only 1 single-family residential unit shall be permitted per structure;
      (2)   The square footage of the residential unit is no more than 50% of the gross floor area of the first floor of the building, with the remaining 50%+ retained for commercial use;
      (3)   The residential unit is located in the back of the commercial space;
      (4)   A yard with usable open space exists in the rear of the building;
      (5)   A separate rear entrance is provided for the residential structure that is not used for commercial purposes;
      (6)   Off-street parking is provided in conformance with §§ 154.221 through 154.230 Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces;
      (7)   The residential unit must meet Building Code, ADA and other applicable access requirements;
      (8)   The requirements of § 154.047 Conditional Use Permits are met.
   (J)   Theater, not a drive-in; provided the site plan illustrates appropriate vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking.
   (K)   Four story buildings, or buildings 50 feet in height, whichever is less, may be approved through the conditional use permit process, as outlined in § 154.047 Conditional Use Permits, provided:
      (1)   The height of the principal structure does not deviate from the height of adjacent building(s) by more than 1 story;
      (2)   The Fire Department has approved the plans; and
      (3)   The proposed building height does not exceed more than 60% of the width of the adjacent roadway.
   (L)   Parks, private. Subject to the following:
      (1)   Up to 50% of the total lot area may be used for parking with approval by the City Council. Parking areas must be constructed with curbs and gutters.
      (2)   Any areas used for parking and drive aisles must be paved. All other areas must be landscaped.
      (3)   Screening with landscaping must be provided for adjacent residential properties that share a lot line. Screening will be provided with landscaping at a minimum height of 3 feet to prevent spillover lighting from vehicle headlights.
      (4)   Any structure, including accessory structures and fences, must be designed to meet the design and performance standards in § 154.147 and the standards of the Downtown Jordan Master Vision.
      (5)   Any sculpture, statue, or other three-dimensional piece of art that is installed a private park must meet the structure setbacks established in § 154.247.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013; Am. Ord. 2016-10, passed 12-5-2016; Am. Ord. 2022-04, passed 7-11-2022)