(A) All commercial signs must comply with the accessory structure setback yard regulations applicable to that zoning district; provided that a sign and its superstructure may extend into the required setback yard areas a distance not to exceed 18 inches, in the C-2 Central Business District. Signs can be placed on the face of legally existing canopies or on the front or side walls of legally constructed buildings which do not meet the current ordinance requirements relative to front and side yards.
(B) All signs in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Districts shall be set back a minimum of 5 feet from all property lines. In the C-1, C-2, I-1 and I-2 Districts free-standing or pole signs shall be setback a minimum of 5 feet from the property line and a minimum of either 5 feet or a distance equal to the height of the sign, whichever is greater, from the side property lines. Signs attached to fences in the residential district may encroach within the required setback provided they do not obstruct vision at an intersection or otherwise constitute a hazard to public safety.
(C) Signs on corner lots shall be setback 25 feet from the edge of the rights-of-way of intersecting streets so as to preserve the sight triangle. The sight triangle is the area of visibility required on a corner to allow for the safe operation of vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists in the proximity of intersecting streets, sidewalks and bicycle paths. The city may require a greater setback because of public safety reasons that may include, but not be limited to, the following concerns: vehicle sight-distances, distance from an intersection, or function of the adjoining right-of-way. No sign shall be placed as to obstruct vision at an intersection or to otherwise constitute a hazard to public safety.

(D) No sign shall be located closer than 5 feet from a residentially zoned property.
(E) No sign shall be placed on a public right-of-way or any publicly owned property including boulevard trees and utility poles.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013)