No structure or land shall be used except for the following uses as such are defined and in accordance with the required lot provisions and design and performance standards.
(A) Single-family detached dwelling.
(B) Group family day care serving 14 or less children.
(C) State licensed residential facility.
(D) Public park or playground and open space.
(E) Public, parochial or church school, state-accredited private elementary school, or state-accredited private junior or senior high school, provided no building shall be located within 50 feet of any lot line of an abutting lot in an R-l or R-2 district.
(F) Church or convent or home for persons affiliated therewith, provided that such convent or home shall house no more than 14 persons and that no building shall be located within 30 feet of any lot line of an abutting lot in an RR, R-l, or R-2 district.
(G) Public library, public museum, or public art gallery provided no building shall be located within 30 feet of any lot line of an abutting lot in an RR, R-l, or R-2 district.
(H) Municipal administrative building, fire station or other municipal service building for a use not customarily considered to be an industrial use provided no building shall be located within 30 feet of any lot line of an abutting lot in an RR, R-l, or R-2 district.
(I) Essential service structure, including but not limited to buildings such as telephone exchange substations, booster or pressure regulating stations, wells and pumping stations and elevated tanks.
(J) Golf course, country club, tennis club, or public swimming pool, the principal structure of which shall be 50 feet or more from any abutting lot in any RR, R-l, or R-2 district.
(K) Railroad through trains, but not switching, storage or other railroad operations.
(L) Day care facility.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013)
No structure or land shall be used except by conditional use permit for any of the following uses as such are defined and in accordance with the required lot provisions, design and performance standards, and conditions set by the Council.
(A) Residential planned unit developments. Subject to the following:
(1) The applicant shall clearly demonstrate through the application and site plan that a superior development would result by clustering;
(2) The site plan must take into consideration the presence and preservation of topographic features, wood and trees, water bodies and streams, and other physical-ecological conditions;
(3) Suitable provisions must be made for permanently retaining and maintaining the amenities and open space; and
(4) No more than 4 dwelling units shall be attached in a single building.
(B) Cemetery. Subject to the following:
(1) All access to the cemetery shall be from a collector street, minor arterial, or from a frontage road.
(2) Where the boundaries of the cemetery abut an RR, R-l, R-2, or R-3 district, a landscape buffer at least 10 feet in depth and consisting of coniferous and deciduous trees and plants, shall be planted and maintained thereafter.
(C) Community center. Subject to the following:
(1) The site shall not be less than 4 acres.
(2) The site shall have at least 250 feet of frontage on a collector street, minor arterial, or a frontage road.
(3) Access to parking shall be provided no closer than 150 feet from an intersection, nor shall it be closer than 100 feet from an existing or proposed single-family, two-family, or townhouse unit.
(4) Exterior lighting, except for globe lighting, shall be directed perpendicular to the ground so that no direct rays are visible from off the property.
(5) No outside recreational area shall be located within 150 feet from any single-family, two- family, or townhouse unit.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013)
The following uses are permitted accessory uses as such uses are defined and in accordance with the required lot provisions and design and performance standards.
(A) Gardening or other horticultural use where no sale of products is conducted on the site.
(C) Boarders. The keeping of not more than 2 boarders or roomers by a resident family.
(D) Day nursery or day care or group family day care when the principal use is a church, synagogue, or public, parochial, or church school or a single-family dwelling which complies with the minimum requirements of the applicable Minnesota Department of Human Services regulations.
(E) Christmas tree sales when located on at least 1 acre of land.
(F) Accessory structures, provided :
(1) A detached accessory structure shall not exceed 840 square feet, or exceed the ground floor area of the principal structure located on the same lot, whichever is less.
(2) Garage door openings shall not exceed 9 feet in height.
(3) No accessory structure shall be constructed on any lot prior to the time of construction of the principal building to which it is an accessory.
(4) The sidewall of the accessory structure shall not exceed 10 feet, measured from the finished grade. The highest point of the entire accessory structure cannot exceed the height of the primary structure.
(5) The roof pitch, measured as steepness of roof, of an accessory structure may meet, but not exceed the roof pitch of the primary structure.
(6) Exterior building materials, roof style, and colors are similar to the principal structure.
(7) The accessory structure shall be constructed on a concrete slab or footing.
(8) The accessory structure shall be located to the side or rear of the principal structure, and are not permitted within the front yard or within a corner side yard.
(9) One accessory structure is permitted on a lot with an existing attached garage. One accessory structure is permitted on a lot in addition to a detached garage with the combination of the 2 structures not exceeding 1,000 square feet. A detached garage shall be considered a detached accessory structure.
(G) Storage buildings, screen houses and recreational buildings.
(H) Temporary building located on the premises for construction purposes for a period not to exceed the time necessary for such construction.
(I) Private garage or parking space.
(J) Private swimming pool or tennis court.
(K) Fences and walls, in accordance with § 154.086(B) and (C).
(L) Signs.
(M) Decorative landscape features, including but not limited to statues, rocks, reflecting ponds, benches, arbors, terraces, and patios.
(N) Satellite dishes and antennae.
(O) Solar collection device.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013; Am. Ord. 2013-06, passed 7-15-2013)
(A) Minimum lot size, yards, and setbacks. Where the average depth of front yards of buildings adjacent to the lot in question is less or greater than the required minimum front yard depth, the required front yard setback shall not be less than the average depth of such existing front yards; however, the depth of a front yard shall not be less than 25 feet or be required to exceed 50 feet.
(B) Corner lot. If a corner lot has a rear lot line that is common with the side lot line of a lot to the rear, no building shall occupy that portion of the rear yard of the corner lot that abuts on such street for a depth equal to or greater than the front yard for such lot to the rear.
(C) Dormer. A single-family house which legally existed or for which a valid building permit had been granted on or before January 1, 1983 may be expanded by an addition or dormer provided the addition does not extend beyond the existing side yard setback line and provided the combined width of the side yard for said building and adjacent building thereto is not less than 10 feet.
(D) One principal building. There shall be no more than 1 principal building structure on 1 lot except as provided through the submittal and approval of a planned unit development.
(E) Yard. No yard or other open space shall be reduced in area so as to make such yard or other open space less than the minimum required by this subchapter; and if the existing yard or other open space as existing is less than the minimum required, it shall not be further reduced. No required yard or open space of any structure shall be included as a part of any yard or open space required for another structure.
(F) Encroachment exceptions. The following shall not be encroachments on yard setback requirements.
(1) Bays not exceeding a depth of 2 feet or containing an area of more than 20 square feet. Awnings, door hoods, chimneys, flues, belt courses, leaders, sills, pilasters, lintels, ornamental features, cornices, eaves, gutters and the like, provided they do not extend more than 3 feet into a yard and provided such encroachment is no closer than 4 feet from all lot lines.
(2) Yard lights and the nameplate signs, floodlights or other sources of light illuminating authorized illuminated signs or illuminating parking areas, loading areas, or yards for safety and security purposes, provided the direct source of light is not visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential property.
(3) In front yards only, awnings and door hoods extending 5 feet into the required front yard setback area.
(4) In front yards only, vestibules extending 5 feet into the required front yard setback area if the vestibule (a) is designed, constructed and attached to the principal structure in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code; (b) is constructed of material compatible with the principal structure; and (c) has an area as measured to the outside of the outside walls which does not exceed 30 square feet.
(5) In front yards only, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, provided that no portion of such equipment shall extend more than 6 feet from the principal structure, no portion shall be more than 36 inches in height, and such equipment shall be screened from view from a public right-of-way by evergreen plantings. Canopies no more than 12 feet wide, which shall not extend more than ½ the distance into the required front or side yard, if there is a demonstrated need and no other practical alternate solution, provided that the encroachment is approved by the Fire Chief and Zoning Administrator.
(6) Terraces, steps, uncovered porches, stoops or similar structures which do not extend 2 ½ feet from the height of the ground floor level of the principal building can extend 3 feet into the setback area provided such encroachment is no closer than 5 feet from any lot line.
(7) Flag poles, bird baths, and other ornamental features detached from the principal building.
(8) Recreational and laundry drying equipment, arbors and trellises provided they are a minimum 10 feet from a lot line.
(9) In side or rear yards only, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment in interior side yards, side yards abutting a street and rear yards, provided that such equipment shall extend no more than 6 feet from the principal structure and the equipment shall be screened from view with evergreen plantings.
(10) In rear yards only, balconies, breezeways, detached outdoor picnic shelters and recreational equipment, except as regulated hereinafter.
( Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013; Am. Ord. 2016-01, p assed 2-1-2016; Am. Ord. 2020-01, passed 2-3-2020)
The design and performance standards are established to encourage a high standard of development by providing assurance that land uses will be compatible. The performance standards are designed to prevent and eliminate those conditions which depreciate property values that cause blight or are detrimental to the environment. Before any building permit is approved, the Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the proposed use will conform to the design and performance standards. The applicant or owner shall supply data necessary to demonstrate such conformance.
(A) Noise. It is unlawful to make, continue or cause to be made or continued, any noise in excess of the noise levels set forth in Minn. Rules 7030.0040, which includes standards for activities by the noise area classification (NAC) system, established in part by Minn. Rules 7030.0050, unless such noise be reasonably necessary to the preservation of life, health, safety or property. Sounds in excess of these limitations are violations of this section whether the sound originates in a residential district or any other district.
(B) Fences. Fences are permitted in the yard setback area only under the following conditions:
(1) The fence shall have a clearance of 2 inches from pre existing grade to bottom of fence and shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
(2) The property owner shall sign a fence agreement with the City of Jordan.
(3) The fence shall not restrict or obstruct the flow of water.
(4) The fence shall be 20 feet away from the high water level (HWL) or outside of the drainage and utility easement whichever is closer to the property line.
(5) A fence shall not be located within a drainage and utility easement that has been identified as an emergency over flow easement (EOF) or access easement.
(6) No fence shall cause a visual obstruction to traffic.
(7) Fences are structures and shall require a permit with an approved property survey by a registered land surveyor.
(8) Fences shall meet all International Building Code requirements for such structures.
(9) Fences not exceeding 3½ feet in height may be constructed in any front yard setback area. No fences are allowed in the front yard setback area unless the fence is 3½ feet tall or less.
(C) Retaining walls are allowed under the following conditions:
(1) Retaining walls are located at least 1-foot outside the drainage and/or utility easement.
(2) Retaining walls shall meet all International Building Code requirements for such structures.
(3) No retaining wall shall cause a visual obstruction to traffic.
(4) All retaining wall locations shall be reviewed by the City of Jordan.
(D) Traffic visibility. No wall, fence, structure, tree, shrub, vegetation, or other obstruction shall be permitted in any yard or setback which poses a danger to traffic by obscuring the view from any street
or roadway. Visibility from any street or roadway shall be unobstructed above the height of 2 feet to a height of 5 feet within the triangle described as beginning at the intersection of the projected curb lines of 2 intersecting streets, thence 30 feet along 1 curb, thence diagonally to a point 30 feet from the point of beginning of the other curb line, thence to the point of beginning.
(E) Storage prohibited in front yard. There shall be no front yard storage of trash or trash containers except in the 24-hour period prior to a scheduled pickup.
(F) Communication structures. Satellite dishes, antennae, and similar devices shall not be allowed in the required front yard nor within 12 feet of the side lot line or rear lot line.
(G) Boulevards, sidewalks and street trees. In projects involving new construction, the plans and improvements must include construction of a sidewalk where one is included in the city's sidewalk plan, and boulevard sod and street trees shall be provided consistent with city requirements.
(K) Driveway access points. All properties shall be entitled to at least 1 curb cut or driveway access. A second curb cut or driveway access may be permitted by the Zoning Administrator in an R-l district if:
(1) The second access is at least 20 feet from the edge of the primary access;
(2) The setbacks for the driveway or curb cut access points are met;
(3) Impervious surface lot coverage requirements are met;
(4) The installation of the second curb cut or driveway access will not result in 2 access points from the lot onto a collector street, minor arterial or arterial street;
(5) It is determined the second curb cut or driveway access will not result in conflicts with traffic flow or endanger public safety;
(6) Both driveway access points shall lead to a garage;
(7) Applicants must submit a site plan showing the extra driveway would not lead to impervious surface coverage of over 40%; and
(8) If required, applicants shall receive a right of way permit for any secondary access point.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013; Am. Ord. 2020-01, passed 2-3-2020; Am. Ord. 2021-13, passed 8-2-2021)