§ 97.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, for which no specific penalty is otherwise provided, shall be subject to the provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of § 97.01 is guilty of an ordinance violation and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $100. Each day a violation occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense.
   (C)   It is a violation of § 97.02 to not comply with the provisions and established guidelines therein. The following penalty is in addition to and supplemental to any fee assessments, restoration costs or any other remedies the Street Department or the city may have related to § 97.02: $2,500 to $5,000 fine (maximum) per street cut.
   (D)   Any violation of § 97.04 shall be punishable by a fine not less than $50 and not more than $2,500. Each day an offense is committed shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to this penalty, a violation of this section shall be enjoined by a court order.
   (E)   The failure of any person, firm, corporation, or partnership or any officer or director thereof to fail, refuse, or neglect to abate or otherwise correct a condition on private property that exists in violation of § 97.05, after notice thereof on accordance with the terms hereof, shall be deemed to be an ordinance violation, and upon condition thereof, any such person, firm, corporation, or partnership or any officer or director thereof may be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.
   (F)   The failure of any person, firm, corporation, or partnership to obtain a permit as described in § 97.07 is an ordinance violation, and they shall be fined $25.
(1986 Code, § 36-9-2-7) (Ord. 14, passed 6-22-1872; Ord. 160, passed 12-10-1919; Ord. 3 2018, passed 6-12-2018; Ord. 15-2019, passed 12-23-2019; Ord. 10-2021, passed 6-8-2021; Ord. 7-2023, passed 7-25- 2023)