Each residential rental property must comply with associated International Building Code and Uniform Construction Code requirements. Each residential rental property dwelling unit shall have the following minimum fire safety devices installed and maintained in an operational condition:
   (a)   Smoke Alarm Systems/Detectors.
      (1)   Smoke detectors installed in accordance with the Building Code edition then in effect at the time of construction.
      (2)   In the event that the property was constructed prior to any mandated smoke alarm system/detectors, the following minimum smoke alarm/ detectors shall be installed and maintained:
         A.   One single-station smoke detector in each sleeping area, one single-station smoke detector in any common hallway leading to sleeping areas and one smoke detector on each level of the residential rental property, thereafter.
         B.   All common areas of a residential rental property shall have at least one smoke detector for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.
   (b)   Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
      (1)   A carbon dioxide detector shall be installed in any common hallway leading to sleeping areas and one detector on each level of the residential rental property, thereafter.
      (2)   All common areas of a residential rental property shall have at least one carbon dioxide detector.
   (c)   Fire Extinguishers.
      (1)   Each residential rental property shall have a minimum of one Class A:B:C multipurpose fire extinguisher to be firmly attached to the structure in a location accessible to the tenant(s). The extinguisher shall have a minimum five pound capacity, multi-purpose dry chemical, classification 2A 10-B:C, capable of an eight-to-ten second sustained flow of extinguishing agent, with horizontal range of five to twelve feet.
      (2)   There shall be at least one functioning and operable fire extinguisher located on each level of occupancy.
      (3)   All common areas of a residential rental property shall have at least one fire extinguisher installed.
(Ord. 5090. Passed 9-24-11; Ord. 5102. Passed 3-28-12; Ord. 5294. Passed 8- 12-20.)