(a) Any portion of a lot once used as a yard, or as lot area in compliance with the area requirements of the district regulations of this Zoning Code, shall not be counted again as required yard or lot area for another structure.
(b) Where a zoning lot:
(1) Abuts the side lot line of only one lot occupied by a main building less than 25 feet from the abutting side lot line, the front yard requirement of such zoning lot may be the average depth of the front yard of the abutting occupied lot and the depth required in the district; and
(2) Abuts, on both sides, lots occupied by main buildings less than 25 feet from the abutting side lot lines, the front yard requirement of such zoning lot may be the average depth of the front yards of the abutting occupied lots.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)