Sewage collection service shall be rendered upon the following terms and conditions:
   (a)   Free Service Prohibited. There shall be no free service rendered by the City's sewer system to firms or individuals. All public corporations, charitable or nonprofit institutions, school districts and other political subdivisions shall pay for the use of the service and facilities of the City sewer system in accordance with the established schedule of rates as hereinafter set forth or hereafter enacted.
   (b)   Care and Treatment of Industrial Waste. In a case where the character of sewage or industrial waste from non-family units is such that it imposes a burden upon the City sewer system in excess of the burden imposed by the average sewage, such additional charges shall be made therefor as the City shall deem to be fair and equitable to meet the additional costs of collecting, analyzing, sampling, transporting, treating and disposing of such sewage and waste. In addition, the City may, if it deems it advisable, require the owner, tenant or occupant of such commercial building, manufacturing or industrial plant, building or premises to pretreat and/or equalize the flow of such sewage or waste in such manner as shall be specified by the City before discharging such sewage or waste into the City sewer system.
   (c)   Costs for Pretreatment of Sewage. If any sewage is discharged into the City sewer system from the sewer system of a user, which sewage requires a pretreatment under the terms and conditions of the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency (40 C.F.R. 401.10, et seq.) and/or the City's wastewater contribution permits, the user shall provide pretreatment prior to discharge into the City sewer system or shall pay to the City the actual cost of any special treatment at the City's sewage treatment plant as may be agreed upon by the City. If the user discharges effluent which contains BOD in excess of the rate of normal domestic sanitary sewage (300 mg/l), or total suspended solids concentration in excess of 350 mg/l, the user/customer shall pay a surcharge in addition to the charge for regular sewage service. The surcharge shall be computed by using the following formula: Surcharge Factor % = [70+15(BOD/300) + 15(TSS/350)]-100, where BOD=average BOD of the user's wastewater for the period of computation (mg/l) and TSS = average total suspended solids of the user's wastewater for the period of computation. The amount of the BOD and TSS surcharge shall be computed by multiplying the charge for regular service by the surcharge factor. The user/customer shall pay the costs of any damage to the City's sewer system resulting from the discharge of such sewage which requires special treatment. Whether or not sewage is improper and in need of special treatment, and whether or not such discharge resulted in damage to the City sewer system, shall be determined by a competent professional engineer acceptable to the City.
   (d)   Liability of City. The City shall not be liable for any damage or expense occurring to or within any premises and resulting from leaks or stoppage in the City sewer system or from any other cause, unless the damages resulting from leaks or stoppage are recoverable under the Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act (Act of 1980, October 5, P.L. 693, #142, Section 221(1)).
   (e)   Special Devices and Treatment.
      (1)   Requirement of special devices. All persons discharging sanitary sewage containing grease, oil or fats into the City sewer system shall provide adequate grease and sand traps or oil separators which shall effectively keep the grease content of sewage leaving the premises to less than 100 parts per million by weight.
      (2)   Prohibited wastes; special treatment. Sewage discharged into the City sewer system shall not contain any industrial waste, chemicals or other matter:
         A.   Which violates the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. Section 125, et seq., or which in any way violates the City's pretreatment program adopted pursuant to the regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 40 C.F.R., Part 403, or which otherwise violates Chapter 1042 of these Codified Ordinances;
         B.   Which cannot be discharged without pretreatment pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency (40 C.F.R. 401.10, et seq.);
         C.   Which has a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit;
         D.   Which contains more than 100 parts per million by weight of fat, oil or grease;
         E.   Which contains any gasoline, benzine, naphtha, fuel oil or other inflammable or explosive liquids, solids or gases;
         F.   Which contains any inadequately ground garbage;
         G.   Which contains any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure or any solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction or other interference with the City sewer system or the sewage treatment plant into which the sewage is discharged;
         H.   Which has a pH, as determined by the City Engineer, lower than 6.0 or higher than 9.0, or which has any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures or equipment in the City sewer system or structures, equipment, bacterial action or personnel of the sewage treatment plant into which the sewage is discharged;
         I.   Which contains a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, to constitute a hazard to humans or animals or to create any hazard in the receiving water of the sewage treatment plant into which the sewage is discharged. Toxic wastes shall include wastes containing cyanide or copper, chromium, nickel, zinc or other metallic ions;
         J.   Which contains total solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention to expenses is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant; or
         K.   Which contains unusual, noxious or malodorous gases or substances capable of creating an unnecessary public nuisance.
            Where wastes are of such character as to violate any of the preceding regulations, the wastes must be pretreated to such a degree that they will comply with the preceding provisions prior to discharge into the City sewer system.
            The City shall have the right to direct any customer to cease and prevent the discharge into the City sewer system of any wastes not complying with these regulations.
   (f)   Approval of Pretreatment Devices. All grease traps, sand traps or other devices for pretreatment of sanitary sewage or industrial wastes shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer prior to installation.
(Ord. 4543. Passed 9-26-90.)