Consistent with the rules adopted by the authority and due process rights to administrative hearings and adjudication before the governing body of the JRS or their duly designated hearing officer, pursuant to provisions of the Pennsylvania Local Government Public Agency Law, 2 Pa C. S. § 551 et seq., the Municipality specifically authorizes the JRS to establish general and individual controls on users of the system as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1977 as amended and the implementing regulations adopted by the approval authority found at 40 CFR Part 403. And specifically authorizes the JRS to:
   (a)   Deny or condition new or increased contributions of pollutants, or changes in the nature of pollutants, to the POTW by industrial users where such contributions do not meet applicable pretreatment standards and requirements or where such contributions would cause the POTW to violate its NPDES permit;
   (b)   Require compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements by industrial users;
   (c)   Where necessary for the efficient operation of the system or as required by the approved pretreatment program, to control through permit, order, conditions or similar means, the contribution to the JRS by each user to ensure the efficient operation of the sewage collection and treatment system and compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements. In the case of industrial users identified as significant under 40 CFR Sec. 403.3(v), this control shall be achieved through individual permits or equivalent individual control mechanisms issued to each such user except as exempted by current Federal regulations;
   (d)   Assess and collect fees for permits and permit related activities; and
   (e)   The authorization to establish rules and issue and enforce permits shall include, but not be limited to, the adoption of general and individual control mechanisms, as those are defined in 40 CFR Sec. 403.8(1). Rules shall at all times contain the minimum necessary standards set forth in 40 CFR part 403. Any violation of order, rule or permit condition, issued hereunder, general or individual, shall be deemed to be a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 5031. Passed 4-8-09.)