All wastewater entering the sanitary sewage system shall be pre-treated to typical domestic levels unless otherwise stated in writing by the JRS by way of significant industrial user permit or other permit. Typical domestic levels shall be documented in a set of local limits for pollutants, capable of effecting efficient operation of the sewage treatment plant, in the "Rates, Rules, and Regulations", Appendix A, in a format as attached to Ordinance 5031, passed April 8, 2009. Typical domestic levels and specific pollutant limitations may be changed periodically due to changing NPDES requirements, changes in the overall characteristics of waste throughout the system, required reevaluations of the local limits analysis, or other reasons. At such times that it becomes necessary, modified local limits will be established and formally adopted by the JRS. Such revisions shall only be implemented after the modifications have been reviewed and determined to be acceptable by the approval authority (USEPA). Revised pretreatment program local discharge limits will be issued as "Appendix A" to the applicable rules, and issued to all municipalities.
(Ord. 5031. Passed 4-8-09.)