Every person, firm or corporation owning, managing or conducting any cabaret within the limits of the City, before putting on or giving any floor show, dancing, singing, orchestral, phonographic or radio concerts or other exhibitions or forms of public entertainment, shall make written application to the Director/Chief of Police for a license to conduct the same, specifying the name of the owner or owners of the cabaret, the person or persons in charge thereof and responsible for the conduct and operation of the same, and the place at which the cabaret is located, and agreeing to comply with the provisions and conditions of this chapter.
Said application shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Building Inspector that the building in which it is proposed to maintain such cabaret has been constructed and maintained in accordance with the laws of the State and the ordinances and regulations of the City governing erection, maintenance and construction of buildings which are to be used for such purposes.
The applicant shall also show to the satisfaction of the Director/Chief of Police, by letters from at least three businessmen or property owners in the neighborhood, that he or she is of good moral character.
(Ord. 4526. Passed 2-28-90.)