(a)   A fee for the vacation of streets shall be established by ordinance of City Council and amended from time to time, and shall be paid for by the person petitioning for or requesting such vacation.
   (b)   The Department of Public Works, through its Director, shall establish, by appraisal or other means, the value of the benefit conferred by a requested vacation. Said value shall be determined by considering such factors as the increase in value to real property resulting from the vacation, the petitioner's intended use of such property and the value of public improvements in the right of way vacated. This section shall not apply to ordinances vacating those streets or ways requested by the Parking Authority or the Redevelopment Authority, where Council has agreed or shall agree to vacate for public projects.
   (c)   All ordinances for the vacating of a street, alley, place, right of way or similar thoroughfare shall not become effective until the payment of the benefits, costs and damages provided for in subsections (a) and (b) hereof.
(Ord. 4724. Passed 4-26-95; Ord. 5353. Passed 5-31-23.)