All resolutions presented to City Council for any of the following purposes:
   (a)   (1)   The entering into contract and agreements for the expenditures of City funds.
      (2)   Resolution authorizing the awarding of agreements and/or contracts awarding contracts and/or agreements for materials, supplies and services.
      (3)   Shall include being provide attached to the proposed resolution the following details and supporting documentation.
         A.   Complete copy of all agreements and or contracts for which the resolution seeks Council approval.
         B.   Account number and title by which funds will be or has been appropriated for payment obligations incurred by the proposed contract and/or agreement.
         C.   Details as to bids received with names and amounts of the respective bids for all materials, supplies and services.
      (4)   Resolutions by Council in support of applications for funds, grants or other funds shall be considered by Council without full details and documentation attached. Upon approval of any such funding, Council shall be provided with documentation of funding approval, the intended purpose, and any required agreements to be executed prior to the disbursement of funds and the respective revenue and expenditure budget line item account numbers.
      (5)   Any resolution may not be voted upon unless the proposed resolution is submitted to the City Manager or City Clerk not less than four City business days prior to the Council meeting for placement on the Council Agenda.
   (b)   Transfer of Funds. All transfer of funds requiring the adoption of a resolution of authorization, as per Section 236.14 (k)(4) shall include the following:
      (1)   Department, account number, account title and amount from which the authorization is requested.
      (2)   Department, account number, account title and amount to which the authorization is requested.
      (3)   Reason for the requested transfer.
   (c)   Ceremonial Resolution. Require none of the above cited sections, unless City funds are to be expended.
   (d)   Council. For continued budget oversight, Council may be provided with electronic copies of all resolutions, contracts, and/or agreements not publicly posted, upon request following final execution by all parties and signatures of Mayor and City Manager and/or City Clerk.
   (e)   All passed/adopted City of Johnstown resolutions shall be posted to the City of Johnstown internet web site no later than seven business days following Council's action in the passage/adoption.
(Ord. 5042. Passed 10-28-09; Ord. 5177. Passed 5-19-15; Ord. 5194. Passed 2-10-16; Ord. 5255. Passed 7-11-18.)