The approval of the zoning certificate issued in accordance with Section 1131.04 above, shall become null and void if such use is not fully implemented, as evidenced by issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance, within eighteen (18) months after date of approval; however, the Planning and Zoning Commission may grant an extension of a zoning certificate for a conditional use for an additional period of six (6) months upon good cause shown by the applicant. Good cause may include such factors as adverse weather or site conditions, difficulty in procurement of materials, or delay due to complexity of the project despite the applicant's diligent and good-faith efforts to comply with the eighteen-month timeframe. The Planning and Zoning Commission may revoke the zoning certificate, if it finds, based upon written evidence by any citizen or official of the Village, of violation of this Ordinance and/or written terms and conditions upon which approval was based. The Conditional Use Permit shall authorize at most only the conditional use applied for and such Conditional Use Permit shall automatically expire, if for any reason the conditional use shall cease for more than one (1) year, unless the property owner or occupant shows that such cessation is due to force majeure or other calamity or casualty outside the control of the property owner or occupant, which the property owner or occupant is working diligently and in good-faith to remedy.
(Ord. 15-2019. Passed 4-16-19.)