(a)   The rental registry will begin on January 1, 2019. Owners of rental properties shall register their units as hereinafter provided within ninety (90) days of the program's inception. Thereafter registration must be made every two (2) years on or before the 1st day of January by the property owner, the contact agent or designated local property manager in the office of the Village Manager. The registration fee for the two year period shall be as follows:
One to four Units: $25.00
5-49 Units: $50.00
50-above: $100.00
   (b)   Each time the registrant adds an additional unit to the registration, there shall be a Ten Dollar ($10.00) charge per unit, which shall be the only charge for that unit until the renewal date for that unit, (the "Interim Registration Fee").
(Ord. 18-2018. Passed 6-5-18.)