The purpose of the GCC-1 District is to promote and foster the economic and physical revitalization of Johnstown's historic town center, while recognizing the unique physical characteristics of the area and preserving historic mixed use and pedestrian focus. The standards and requirements of the GCC-1 (Town Center District) are based on the following principles:
(a) The maintenance and improvement of the downtown physical environment is important in promoting an active and vital business environment.
(b) Development standards and regulations should encourage the adaptive use of older structures.
(c) The upper stories of older structures should be promoted for productive uses that contribute to the business vitality of the area.
(d) The downtown should be particularly receptive to small local-based entrepreneurship and start-up businesses.
(e) Housing - and particularly owner-occupied housing - should be an integral component of the physical fabric of areas within and adjacent to Village Center.
(Ord. 18-2023. Passed 10-3-23.)