Sec. 14-613. - Procedures upon discovery of violations.
   Upon the determination that any provision of this chapter is being violated, the planning director shall deliver a written notice by personal service or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person responsible for such violation, to the holder of the development approval, and to the landowner of the property involved, if the landowner is not the holder of the development approval, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering the action necessary to correct it. The notice of violation shall be delivered by personal delivery, electronic delivery, or first-class mail and may be provided by similar means to the occupant of the property or the person undertaking the work or activity. The notice of violation may be posted on the property. The person providing the notice of violation shall certify to the county that the notice was provided, and the certificate shall be deemed conclusive in the absence of fraud. Additional written notices may be sent at the planning director's discretion. The final written notice, which may also be the initial notice, shall state possible sanctions if the violation is not corrected, and shall advise that the planning director's order may be appealed to the board of adjustment as provided in section 14-592. In cases when delay would seriously threaten the effective enforcement of this chapter, or pose a danger to the public health, safety or general welfare, the planning director may seek enforcement without prior written notice by invoking any penalties or remedies contained in section 14-614.
(Ord. of 7-10-2000, § 14.3; Amend. of - - )