Sec. 14-360. - Water and sewer.
   (a)   Service by public systems. All developments shall be served by a county water supply and a county sanitary sewer system wherever practicable. Fire hydrants of sufficient water pressure to provide adequate fire protection shall be provided where necessary. All proposed public water and sanitary sewer installations shall be approved by the county public utilities department. Certification of such approval shall be submitted to the planning director prior to issuance of any land use permit for the development being served. No certificate of occupancy for a structure shall be issued until the following documents have been submitted to the planning director:
   (1)   Certification for the county public utilities department that all water/sewer facilities necessary to serve such structure have been completed to county standards; and
   (2)   As-built construction drawings of those completed water and/or sewer facilities located within a public right-of-way or easement.
   (b)   Service by individual systems. Individual water supply systems intended to provide potable water, and/or individual subsurface sewage disposal systems, may be permitted on a zoning lot, subject to approval by the county health department. Certification of such approval shall be submitted to the planning director prior to issuance of any land use permit for the development being served.
(Ord. of 7-10-2000, §§ 8.8.1, 8.8.2)
   Cross reference—Water service, § 24-41 et seq.; sewer service, § 24-101 et seq.