(A) There shall be and there is hereby established a minimum charge and a basic user rate for the use of and for service supplied by the wastewater facilities of the city. A minimum charge of $16.18 per month shall be applied to all users whose water consumption does not exceed 2,000 gallons per month. The aforementioned minimum charges shall be effective starting the August, 2011, billing cycle.
(B) A basic user rate of $3.89 per 1,000 gallons shall be applied to all users for water consumption in excess of 2,000 gallons per month.
(C) However, in the case of multi-unit buildings, residence, business or both, the minimum rate shall be $16.18 per month plus any fraction thereof above the minimum usage for each residence and business unit in such building with the following exception of a:
(1) Physician, dentist, lawyer, architect, engineer, accountant, insurance agent, customary incidental home occupations operating within their residence, hotels, motels, boarding houses and lodging houses; and
(2) The multi-unit buildings, residences, businesses or both located at the addresses in § 54.16.
(D) All non-metered residential users of the wastewater facilities shall pay a minimum flat rate charge per month adequate to cover the costs of the minimum accrual capital cost charge, the minimum service charge and the basic user rate of $16.18. The flat rate charge will allow a maximum usage of 5,000 gallons per month. In the event the use of the wastewater facilities is determined by the Superintendent to be in excess of 5,000 gallons per month, the Superintendent may require such flat rate user to install metering devices on the water supply to measure the amount of service supplied.
(1999 Code, § 38-4-23) (Ord. 13-89, passed 7-11-1989; Ord. 14-97, passed 9-23-1997; Ord. 04-07, passed 3-27-2007)