§ 54.16 RATES.
   All property upon which any building has been or may hereafter be erected having a connection with any mains or pipes which may be thereafter constructed and used in connection with the city water system shall pay the following rates per month.
   (A)   Established. There shall be and there are hereby established rates and charges for the use of and for the water supplied and furnished by the water works system of the city, based on the amount of water consumed, as shown by water meters, on all property upon which any building has been or may hereafter be erected having a connection to any mains or pipes used in connection with the city water system, as follows.
      (1)   For one month:
         (a)   First 2,000 gallons or less: $17.82 minimum (effective the August, 2011, billing cycle);
         (b)   Next 3,000 gallons or less: $6.61 per 1,000 gallons;
         (c)   Next 5,000 gallons or less: $6.18 per 1,000 gallons;
         (d)   Next 5,000 gallons or less: $5.75 per 1,000 gallons;
         (e)   Next 5,000 gallons or less: $5.54 per 1,000 gallons;
         (f)   Next 979,999 gallons or less: $4.89 per 1,000 gallons; and
         (g)   Over 1,000,000 gallons: $4.70 per 1,000 gallons.
      (2)   The minimum bill for water service and for water supplied to property inside the corporate limits shall be $17.82, effective starting the August, 2011, billing cycle, for one month’s service.
      (3)   The volume of flow used for computing basic user charges and surcharges shall be the metered water consumption read to the lowest even increments of 100 gallons.
   (B)   Outside city rates. The City Council may from time to time enter into contracts with persons or corporations for the sale of water in large volumes outside of the corporate limits. The rates for such sales shall be as agreed to in such contracts.
   (C)   Bulk sales. All water sold in bulk to tanks shall be at the rate of $0.50 per 100 gallons.
   (D)   Multi-unit building. However, in the case of multi-unit buildings, residence, business or both, the minimum rate shall be $9.25 per month, plus any fraction thereof, above the minimum usage for each residence and business unit in such building with the following exception of a:
      (1)   Physician, dentist, lawyer, architect, engineer, accountant, insurance agent, customary incidental home occupations operating within their residence, hotels, motels, boarding houses and lodging houses; and
      (2)   The multi-unit buildings, residences, businesses or both located at the following addresses:
         (a)   601 N. Broadway;
         (b)   200 E. 7th Street;
         (c)   200-1/2 E. Broadway, 200 E. Broadway, 603 E. Washington;
         (d)   301 E. Broadway;
         (e)   203 E. Broadway;
         (f)   315 E. Broadway, 317 E. Broadway;
         (g)   401 E. Broadway, 401-1/2 E. Broadway;
         (h)   411 Adams Street;
         (i)   1107 Market Street;
         (j)   1000 Gent Street, 1000A Gent Street;
         (k)   910 Barham Street, 910-1/2 Barham Street;
         (l)   903 Trout Street, 903-1/2 Trout Street;
         (m)   804 Water Street;
         (n)   505 W. Broadway, 505-1/2 W. Broadway;
         (o)   1000 W. Broadway;
         (p)   905 W. 5th Street, 907 W. 5th Street;
         (q)   1400 Brush Street;
         (r)   217 1/2 E. Broadway; and
         (s)   201 E. 8th Street, 201-1/2 E. 8th Street.
(1999 Code, § 38-4-8) (Ord. 13-89, passed 7-11-1989; Ord. 13-97, passed 9-23-1997; Ord. 17-96, passed 11-12-1997; Ord. 17-97, passed 11-12-1997; Ord. 11-2002, passed 9-10-2002; Ord. 07-11, passed 7-12-2011; Ord. 11-12, passed 6-26-2012)